Corn fed Locals

Started by Gary O, January 06, 2012, 11:20:28 PM

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Gary O

Our production workers have fed the local squirrels for a few years now, and it seems they've gotten rather used to being fed....corn.....dry corn.....on the cob.
Tuesday I headed out to pick up the company mail.
Before I could get to my Jeep I was surrounded by tree rats, fat, spoiled, urban tree rats.
The feeding station was rather barren.
Only the cob, stripped clean.
The furry little guys came right up and put their little paws on my pants leg, looking up.

Corn....dry corn....on the cob is eight bucks a bag in the store.

I crammed the cob on the spike.
Quite entertaining to watch their little cheeks fill with corn meal, busy little jaws twitching.

So I brought the camera next day.
No squirrels.

Next day.
No squirrels.

However, today Mr Jay had a few snacks, then here they come.

By the time I got my camera out they'd stripped the cob

I did a little hawk-like whistle to see if urban monks would take note

seems this one has a bad ear too, as he had no clear idea where the sound was coming from
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Ehat squirrel's going to have to keep expanding the size of the entrance to its home.   
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

Gary O

Yeah, they moved into a condo under the juniper bushes last year.
Showed the wife these pix, and she started making that slurping sound one makes when talking about savory things. I may need to urge them to relocate or they'll end up turnin' on tiny spits in our back yard by spring.
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


My oldest daughter was walking across campus past a flock of Canadian Geese that were all plumped up.  She said that the first thought she had was "I wonder how that would taste".  She immediately said she felt a little guilty and blamed me.  I'll definitely take the credit for that one. 

I have to confess, I do like squirrel, coated in shake and bake seasoning. 
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"

Gary O

Yeah, I may need to adjust my buds when we move to the cabin.
My bride is determined to pop a few and heat up the stove.

Geese, well, that is dinner.

Took a back road drivin' home one land vs freeway drudge compels me to venture some days.
These geese came flowing thru this swale of a freshly harvested wheat field. They remained in formation, navigating thru the gentle ravine and up the hill, then turned on a dime and back thru the swale. It was something to behold, as I'd always marveled at small birds doing this, but never geese.
Me and a buddy was fishin' Rock creek out of Vernonia, and we were walkin' some pretty pristine water between steep cut banks...heard a little flutter, and here come six or eight mallards, zoomin' thru, low, like fighter jets. Scared the beheysoos outta me. Coulda grabbed one if I dared.

I do love nature so....baked.
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson