12 x 16 backyard workshop

Started by Mike 870, November 18, 2011, 07:10:08 PM

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Mike 870

Major milestone achieved today.  I have power to the shed!  Cant describe how happy I am to not have to run the extension cord.  I' 've also got baseboard heat out there which will be a huge luxury!  I started insulating the ceiling and am about 3/4done.  Kinds sad to see the pine boards covered up.


Wow, that looks fantastic!  I just ordered plans for the Big Enchilada with the intention of building the Builder's Cottage as a first house on new property.  Since I really need storage, I'm thinking of using one of the tiny house plans to build a storage shed first.  However, my shed will look more like a shed -- your workshop is a real masterpiece!  I hope the house I end up building looks half as nice.


Mike 870

Hey thanks Ray, I really appreciate the compliment.  When I was young one of my friends Dad was a legit artist, and his studio was the coolest place I had ever seen.  Just inspirational to be in there.  I wanted to try to build an inspirational workplace to do my future projects.  Plus my wife would have been pissed if it was ugly.


You must have a happy wife because it looks great  ;D

Barry Broome

Hmmm... I try to spend time on the 'home projects' when I'm home and the wifey just complains that I'm not with her... i guess I should feel lucky that she wants me with her at all  ;D
"The press, like fire, is an excellent servant, but a terrible master."

Mike 870

Here is a bit of what I have been working on. Was sad to cover up the pine ceiling.  The ceiling will get some XPS insulation and then t&G pine.  It's really nice to have the insulation in there, it holds heat well.  I was pretty careful to do a good job not leaving any gaps when installing the insulation.  You can see there were some rips and tears though, most of them already there when I opened the packages.  It really helps save time to get the correct lengh for example having 93 inch bats was a big time saver in my 92 5/8 stud cavities. 

Electric box.  Square D home line box comes with 6 20 amp breakers for under $50 bucks.  Had to buy a seprate groundinging bus though because you can't un bond the neutral and ground in this box.

Track lighting on each side and a fluorescent in the middle throws perfect light.

Ended up putting down some rigid insulation then doing a plywood floor.  Not sure how I am going to finish it because I got it filthy since taking this picture.

Insulation in.  Next project will have 4 by 6 rafters with exposed roof sheathing boards.

Gable end drywall done

Mike 870

Don't drink and drywall, found out I'm not any better at it drunk than I am sober.  But it is way more fun that way.  Some of what you are seeing is first coat, some is second coat.  The ceiling will get an inch of foam and then t&g pine from menards.


I have really enjoyed following this project. You have a real eye for all the details that add-up to an amazing project. I think finished drywall on the walls with T&G on the ceiling is a very refined, old-world look. It's shaping-up to be an awesome space. Enjoy it.


As to the floor, i don't know how fancy you want but sand, it with 220 to clean it up, stain it if you want but be careful, pine can be blotchy and then use some floor polyurethane on it.

Nice project!

Mike 870

Thank you for the compliments BH, I didn't see your post until now. 

Mike I think I will go that route, I probably will stain it, because, I actually prefer a blotchy uneven look.  I go out of my way to unmatch grain on furniture projects and find crazy patterns. 

Snow pic here.  Pretty soon I will have an interior update.  The drywall is ready for paint.  I'm pretty pleased with how it's looking.  I got better at it as I went along.  All in all I find it both frustrating and enjoyable work.  Kinda like mowing the lawn and weedwhacking, it's fun to see the progress as it looks nicer and nicer. 

Mike 870

Finished painting for the most part.  I am really happy with the job I did on the drywall.  Not perfect, but better than I had hoped.  No real glaring flaws show through under all kinds of different lighting conditions.  I think my color choice will look pretty good once I have done the ceiling and put all the trip up.  It's going to be a light colored pine trim.  I did mess up on a couple outlet holes and have to go back and add some mud because the outlet covers don't fully cover the gaps. 


Is this Backyard "DOGHOUSE" Workshop....   Very nice.  Looks like you put a lot of pride in to this.  Needs a frig and Poker table.


Very nice job.

They do make oversized outlet covers - I'm speaking from experience.   ;)
Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.

Mike 870

Happy Memorial Day,

I did a little more work, progress has been slow.  Once the weather gets nice my other hobbies start to take over.  I added an inch of rigid insulation to the inside of the ceiling since I am putting T&G pine up it will take up some of the air sealing that I lost by not going with a drywall ceiling.  As you can see, larger gaps were filled with foam, smaller gaps were taped.  After the foam drys you just go around with a razor and cut off the extra, it's pretty easy.  I did once section of T&G, it goes up pretty fast.  Can't wait to get all the trim up. 

Here is a tip that I learned a little too late.  If you are putting up T&G, instead of working one package at a time, open up like 5 packages and alternate which one you grab from.  As you can see all my knots line up and I'm not happy with the way that looks.

Mike 870

Mike 870

Almost done, just finished up the floor.  It is vinyl tile from Lowes with grouted joints.  Total cost about $210 including multipurpose primer and grout.  Had a couple issues with some edges of the tiles not sticking well, but all in all it went well and I think it looks good.  I have to finish up the trim around the edge of the floor and build the dormer window, put on a couple outlet covers then I'm done.  I also built a shelf for my air compressor so it doesn't have to take up floor space.  I planned to do this ahead of time and put an outlet behind the rafter.  I will also hang my air filter up there and be able to plug it in.   


WOW that looks nice!   [cool] [cool]  Turned out very well done.  I really like it.   c*
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.


Looks too nice to get dirty!   ;D
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


that's one nice workshop! I'd use it as an excuse that I need brand new shiny tools to put inside to match the immaculate surroundings.  [cool]

Mike 870

Thanks for the compliments.  Not too much is new since the last post.  I did get some oversize outlet covers and also some shims to bring the outlets further out.  I didn't realize it but there were some incorrect size (for the drywall width) boxes mixed in with the size I needed and ended up getting 3 that were the wrong offset for half inch drywall.  They make these rubber shims that you fold to whatever size you need.

I also spent part of today making a crosscut sled for my table saw.  I'll post some pictures of it later.  It will be nice not have a big mitre saw taking up a bunch of space in my little workshop. 

Mike 870

I made some off the floor storage.  It is 6 feet off the floor so I can put my bandsaw underneath if I need to.  I attached them with wooden cleats, which is the way to go if you are working by yourself.  Just rip a board lengthwise with your blade at a 45 degree angle, attach one side to the wall and the other side to the shelf, and you can just lift it up onto the wall without help. 

And this is the crosscut sled I made for my tablesaw.  I made it with oak sliders for the mitre slots, but I think I am going to buy some metal mitre sliders from woodcraft or somewhere.  There is a tiny bit of play with the wood, and I don't have the right tools to get exactly the right width of slider for the slots.

Mike 870

I am closing on 46 acres near the Ohio River in Southern OH soon.  Will be starting a new topic with pictures of my land soon.  Super excited to start living the cabin dream.


Quote from: Mike 870 on March 13, 2014, 03:42:55 PM
I am closing on 46 acres near the Ohio River in Southern OH soon.  Will be starting a new topic with pictures of my land soon.  Super excited to start living the cabin dream.

