t1-11 siding install question

Started by CjAl, November 16, 2011, 12:32:24 PM

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how do you handle the joint when you have one sheet on top of the other such as a gable end where the lower piece is on the wall and upper piece is on the gable end? in the past i have just overlapped the top sheet over the bottom by a few inches. however this time i plan on siding over the t1-11 some time in the future so having it flat would be much better. can you butt them together with a Z flashing or something similar between them?


A Z strip. The lower sheets are installed first. The lower leg of the Z strip overlaps the lower sheet. Then the upper sheet is installed. The bottom edge of the upper sheet should not rest on the horizontal bend of the Z strip; leave a space so when it rains the edge does not sit in the water and wick water into the T1-11 sheet.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


i hadnt thought about leaving a gap. makes sense, good info.