Miner's Cabin, 500-sf, Cuba NM

Started by Billl, October 13, 2011, 06:45:42 PM

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Hey folks, Just a quick post to say hello for the first time.
I've been lurking for a while and I thought I'd fess up that now that the Mrs. and I have jumped into the deep end.

We just bought an old miner's cabin in the Jemez Mountains of central New Mexico.  The place was built in the '50s and doubled in the '70 to 500-sf + lofts. There's nothing too special about the materials or construction, but maybe I'll find something if I pull down some of the fake vinyl paneling.  No plumbing at all but it has electricity.  We thought it had an outhouse, but all it really has is an out; no walls.  At least the smell will blow away faster.

We're located "across the mountains" from MountainDon and MattDawg1100's places.  I was looking at a spot near Canjilon, but that was too far from home for the Mrs. (Sorry, NM_Shooter, BLOK Ranch is too far for us). Hi to Native_NM, too!  Heck, I sit only a few low-walls away from Mattdawg!

Current plan is to renovate and add on. After some plans get drawn and priced, maybe we'll demo and start over.

I'm a hydrogeologist and I run a water treatment plant, I also do some other more or less common outdoorsy stuff, so I'll offer up that experience to the group. 

Uh, green w/chicken and cheese, red w/beef and pork. 

Cio, BillL

glenn kangiser

Hi Billl.  'Welcome to the forum.  I like mining cabins and mining and I am a well driller though I haven't drilled in about 15 years.  I did cable tool drilling and wrestled around with a hydrogeologist or two in the past.  :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


 w*  Billl.  There's almost getting to be a clan of NMexicans here now.  :D

pretty much green all the way.   ;)
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.