Do You Trust Your Left Hand ?

Started by sparks, August 21, 2011, 09:19:05 PM

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Interesting, I think you can read this both ways.

My vessel is so small....the seas so vast......


Gary O

OK, I get the gist...or at one time I thought I did...not sure the point here however.
I must be missing something.
Somebody enlighten me with direct monosyllable verbiage as to the obscure (?) meaning (s?) so I can rest my beleaguered mind tonight......
OK, OK, more than one syllable is OK, but not more than three...four max.
On a pragmatic note...I feel pretty virtuous 'cause my left hand has never known what my right hand was doing......especially when boxing...or typing.......not sure about giving alms, 'cause I've been mostly on the take....

Another question;
Just picked up on the '(Read 50 times)' instruction.
Would that be 50 times each then proceed to the next version, or 50 times all the way thru?
One more question;
References too?

Oh wait...I just found the error of my ways!!
I'd read the (read history) that's at the side of every title at the top of the page....'read' is past tense!...whew!
'Cause now it says (read 64 times) I'd never catch up!
Thank goodness I discovered this after reading only 27 times.....

To wit
My mind is mush.
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Don't feel bad, even the guys that wrote the commentaries didn't get it  :D

Gary O

Quote from: Don_P on August 22, 2011, 09:31:56 PM
Don't feel bad, even the guys that wrote the commentaries didn't get it  :D
Thanks Don
I think I can rest my case as far as my own mental state goes this evening...

I've studied the bible as deep as I care to go
In my early parental years, I voraciously pursued the written word, basically seeking help in being a good father, because once I became a parent, I discovered how very selfish I had been up to then.
Initially it was fascinating.
I dug deep, becoming a self-proclaimed scholar, defining Hebrew and Greek sentences, pouring thru concordances, trying to discover who God was, what it all was about, when did earth happen, where I and my family fit in, and why things were the way they were......I backed off somewhere around the first half of the dead sea scrolls.........
Then the frustration.
In discussing theology with the learned, I found myself going several opposing mental directions.
Turns out there are several slants to Christianity.
I found reality to the truism 'there is more heat than light in a debate'. People tend to hold their beliefs quite dear, and when challenged, get all upset, voice raising, red in the face, and downright unbecoming.
I mean when someone blurts out something like 'fall on the rock', they better know that they're talking about if they're saying it to me.
Don't get me wrong. I can be as shallow on a subject as the next guy, but if you are a surface scholar, you had better be a better listener than preacher.
Again, don't get me wrong. I believe there is a god, and believe that not everyone in the world is intellectually enlightened so much so that they can use science to discount the existence of a Supreme Being. I believe science easily proves otherwise.
I just get really really tired when a good evening is wasted.
Whew, feel all better now...........

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson