plumbing pictures

Started by astidham, July 19, 2011, 08:10:43 PM

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does anyone have pictures of their plumbing project?
I have been reading plumbing books, and planning my plumbing out, but I would like to see what others have done.
I also need to overcome my fear of
"Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice"
— Henry Ford


A couple of pictures of DWV and supply plumbing on our thread.

My take is that DWV is the hard bit - much more three dimensional and much more destructive to get the pipe through!  The joinery is generally simpler (assuming ABS or PVC), but maybe not if it's a hot day and it's a fiddly layout.  PEX is easy and even copper isn't hard - it's not that difficult to sweat pipe if you're not in a hurry.  After doing a cabin and a bathroom, the only supply piping that was tough was a shower that had seperate bath, shower and temperature knobs, where they needed to be in line in several dimentions to look good.

One way to think about DWV is to break into three "zones".

1) The drain - where water normally flows down.  Either slightly downhill or greater than 45 degrees (so stuff doesn't sit there).
2) The floodable vent - the most constrained zone.  From the drain to the "flood level" (e.g. the toilet rim or 1-2ft above a sink).  Only greater than 45 degree slope.  Work this bit out first (ideally before you frame :->) as it constrains everything else.  This issue is that solids can get pushed up into the vent and there's nothing to wash them back down again, so no flat sections.
3) The rest of the vent - as long as water can flow downhill then you're fine.

Don't work out sections 1) and 3) until you've worked out 2!


Thank You davidj, very helpful
"Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice"
— Henry Ford


Once you get it worked out draw a pic and I'll look it over for you.


Quote from: ScottA on July 21, 2011, 06:30:36 PM
Once you get it worked out draw a pic and I'll look it over for you.
Thank you ScottA,
I will try to draw something out and scan it in.
"Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice"
— Henry Ford