Foundation Code

Started by Squirl, March 09, 2011, 12:56:26 PM

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I was reading the code for an answer as to how thick and the exact design specifications for a concrete foundation.  I found great guidance on the footings, but not the walls.  I found this language "Concrete and masonry foundation walls shall be selected and constructed in accordance with the provisions of this section or in accordance with ACI 318, NCMA TR68-A or ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 or other approved structural standards" 

When I look for ACI standards I can only find links to them for big bucks.  Can anyone point me to where I can find this on-line or some type of guide.

glenn kangiser

Are you talking about full height walls, Squirl or just a stem wall?  Concrete or Block.

Here it is 2 continuous #4 in the footing if not specified otherwise with no requirement for the stem-wall.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


6 ft walls for a foundation with 4 ft below grade 2 above for a crawl space.  Both poured and block.  Looking for thickness and rebar requirements or any guides along those lines. Or what ACI 318 NCMA TR68-A or ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 are.  It is referenced quite frequently in the code, but I can't find any public resource to review it.


Does your IRC codebook have the R404.1.1 tables 1-5 of reinforcement?


No.  It didn't.  I was able to search for that exact table and I think I found what I needed.  Thank you very much Don.