Youtube - embedding clickable videos in your posting

Started by glenn kangiser, March 05, 2011, 10:58:48 AM

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glenn kangiser

Redover John asked me how to do this - it was enough work typing it up that I thought I would share it here too.

Instructions to John on Embedding a Youtube video.

Yes, John.  I have figured it out.

Youtube doesn't not make it easy like photobucket but you are not limited on space like photobucket so I keep my bigger videos on youtube.  You can start another free account under photobucket using a different e-mail.

To do it with youtube you need to include a picture of the start of the video.  You can simply play it then do a screen capture with Gadwin Printscreen.  

Here I made a capture with Gadwin and saved it to photobucket.  

I had to insert spaces to get the text to show - ignore the spaces when actually doing it.

example.....[I MG] ht tp:/ /[/IM G]

You know how to use the img tag.

next get the URL from your video under the Share dropdown on Youtube.

ht tp://ww

Highlight it and click the url button above (the world icon)

example   [u rl]ht tp:/ /ww[/u rl]

That puts the url brackets around the address.

Copy and insert the IMG tagged address before the last url tag.

[u rl] ht tp://ww[I MG]ht tp:/ /[/IM G][/u rl]

Insert an equals sign before the last bracket in the first url tag.  Move the last bracket to the end of the youtube url just before the first img tag - location of brackets is very important - don't accidentally mess them up like I do....  

You can copy the tag from one of my photobucket videos as an example if you need to.  Copy it from the last photobucket tag as if you were going to share a picture.

example[u rl=ht tp://ww][IM G]http:/ /i7[/I MG][/u rl]

Now if I did that right your video will appear below.

This can be done in a couple of minutes after you get the hang of it.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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An option would be to make changes to the software. By that I mean having the video play in the message post itself. Embedding the actual video in a forum message requires a "mod" be applied to the forum software. A person who is "into" writing php code can figure it out. There are several mods available through SMF that can be applied as an update. It can also be done manually but it requires inserting lines of code in 5 or 6 different system files. I prefer it manually as I know exactly what has happened in case something goes wrong.

We do have a couple mods implemented, removing the time online display is one, another the math puzzle for new registrations. The only "problem" with mods is that they sometimes get wiped out when the incremental updates are performed. (V. 1.1.12 to 1.1.13 and so on) So far this has not happened.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Another way to look at what Glenn was talking about is to use the same method some of us use when inserting a url link to someplace. Click Here (to go to my cabin site for example) sort of thing. Just use a photo as the anchor instead of text. In other words if you know how to do the text link thing you can also do the photo link. All you need is the photo to post first.

I hope I didn't muddy the waters with that.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Don't let that bother you Don they are clear as Mud now. [frus]. I just noted also that some just have a Youtube link inserted in the post w/o the picture as Glenn illustrate.  It seems to me that this may be the best option until I can get it through my thick head.  Don I would be interested in being able to use a photo to anchor a link to if you have a chance to give a discription of just how to accomplish it.  I have noticed that you often use the "click here" but have no idea how.  ???

I guess it is like everything else that you have never done before.  Seems like the older I get the more complicated the procedures seem to be.  


I'll do a tutorial on that John, complete with screen shots; the whole ball o' wax.   :D

and I agree on the getting older. But it is supposed to help if one keeps trying new stuff.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

glenn kangiser

John, just copy this line and past it into your message where you want the video to appear.  Take out the spaces I put into it and your video link will appear there with the clickable picture.  That will get this one going for you.  If you have problems with that let me know and I can put it into your message for you.

[u rl=ht tp://ww][IM G]http:/ /i7[/I MG][/u rl]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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