Composite -Fiber or other Synthetic Siding?

Started by intelijoc, January 30, 2011, 10:11:27 AM

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Is a composite/hybrid "synthetic" siding cost prohibitive? Also, how well does it endure extreme climate changes? I understand the product adds weight.  We did a porch in Mich. but that was 2x6

* cost prohibitive*  I was applying this phrase to a second residence/vacation getaway.



"cost prohibitive" is subjective no matter where or what it is. We used Hardie Plank siding on our recreational property. I did not consider its pricing to be out of line for what we wanted.

Could you expand more on what products you might be thinking of?

As for the Hardie Plank siding it can be a PITA for installing; special saw blades or shears to cut it, silica dust to deal with, it breaks when mishandled. But it is still manageable, even for one person with the right tools. Ours goes through cold winters to hot summers. We followed the manufacturers instructions carefully and after a few years are still pleased with it.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

intelijoc  I notice this is fiberglass- not the material I was thinking of.  I ran across a link  ??? mentioned composite-

this one is a patent pending- maybe I jumped the gun here