Homemade wall jack

Started by suburbancowboy, January 15, 2011, 09:34:46 PM

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So I have had a horrible case of cabin fever this winter.  I have been buy wood for the cabin and sticking it in the barn while it is cheaper.  To fill my need to build something I built myself a walljack  to lift the walls when they are framed, lift the glue lam beams and the trusses up to the second level.  The total cost came to about 150 dollars.  What do you all think?  Any concerns?  I am wondering what the weight limit might be.  The winch said about 2000 pounds, but I am thinking more of about 1000 pounds.  The overall length is 20 feet and runs off a 12 volt battery.


Looks like it should work.  I bought one of those electric winches and it did not work properly on verticle lifts though.  The manufacturer printed on the instructions " for horizontal only".   d*.  After I spent an hour or so releasing the cable which wrapped around the drum I could see what they were talking about.  You might watch that flaw if it works like mine.


when you're done with that you might be able to re-sell it to taxpayers to hang some wall-st. / federal reserve folks....


That's what I was thinking of doing to raise walls. There are companies that make them, but folks like us are a little more DIY-oriented! I was thinking of building two so I could tilt up a long wall single-handedly by having long wires on the remotes. Nice work!

I'm not poor- I'm financially underpowered.