Farm Wars

Started by Sassy, December 22, 2010, 04:11:11 PM

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The Vote Is In: Congressional Mafia Rams Food Safety HR 2751 Down Our Throats!

Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

Well, what did you expect from the gang of thugs and cutthroats running the District of Criminals? Yes, the Congressional mafia voted, if you can call it that, for America to slip and slide its way right into Codex food fascism by ramming the new Food Safety legislation down our throats without even a glimpse of ethics, morality, or fair play in sight.

    Moments ago, the House of Representatives passed the Food Safety bill, which the Senate, in one of the most underhanded legislative maneuvers we've ever seen, approved late Sunday night. It now goes to the president to be signed into law. (ANH)

The next bastion of hope for those who still believe in anything that the government, state or federal, does, is to try and stop this at the state line. The following is directed at S.510, but is applicable to this situation also:

    S..510 calls for the Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, to contact the governors of each state to determine which agencies within the state will contract on behalf of the state to administer the USDA/FDA federal plans for seizing control of food production and supply, handing it over to multi-national corporations and setting into motion the eradication of family and independent farms and ranches. These new "business plans" (which is what S.510 is, a business plan), require contracting with state agencies accompanied of course, by bags of USDA bribery money called "cooperative funding". (PPJ)

I don't know about you, but I do not for one minute believe that the governor of my state cares one lick for me or my family's welfare and right to grow our own food and eat what we please. Therefore, I am busily planning for an organic food underground. As Codex creeps even closer to being fully implemented in the U.S., we need to get serious about preserving good, clean food. Stock up on seeds, and be prepared to do whatever you can to secure your own food supply, and to defend it. In fact, a garden in every home should keep these thugs busy until the cows come home. Stash seeds so that if you get raided, you will be able to start again. That's what I am planning to do....just keep on a diggin'.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


I agree there is one piece of the legislation change that I view is alarming.

(a) In General.--Section 304(h)(1)(A) (21 U.S.C. 334(h)(1)(A)) is amended by--
(1) striking ``credible evidence or information indicating'' and inserting ``reason to believe''; and
(2) striking ``presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals'' and
inserting ``is adulterated or misbranded''."

Most of the rest of the rest of the article is complete nonsense. Even if I think there is one valid point, I get turned off to the whole argument when the article states,"**Note:  There is no intention to curb the misbranding and adulteration of seeds, crops and food resulting from contamination from the use of GMO, the overuse of pesticides and herbicides and the coming intention to insert nano chips directly into seeds and processed food products to track the consumption of food.

Let me get my foil hat, the cia is listening through the bug they put in my molars.

Also on a side note, the author concludes that this is the end of the world and we just happen to need to buy what she is selling on the website.  Good old fashioned fear mongering misinformation to make a buck.


This is the end game of a plan thats been in the works since ww2. The family farm has been under assault that long.