rough day

Started by muldoon, January 13, 2010, 10:15:34 PM

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I just found out today my position is being eliminated. there is a possible role open if I am interested in it, middle management where I would get to manage the outsourced group who replaces the team I now work on as I phase out the rest of the team still there if I so desire. suck suck sucks
then I turn on cnn and watch some coverage from haiti, I feel like such an ass. 


Sucks sucks sucks is right. Sorry to hear about that. I hope the position that's open isn't much of a step down, in any sense.

And yeah, the situation in Haiti gives some perspective. Things could always be worse.

Good luck.


Hope it works out just like you want it to. Facing tough times like your's in my life, I've always tried to remind myself that "I've done worse for less"----doesn't change the suckiness but does help me put it into perspective. I'd bet the worst part for you will be to see others have to leave-----rough indeed.

Rwanders lived in Southcentral Alaska since 1967
Now lives in St Augustine, Florida

glenn kangiser

Hope it all works out, muldoon.  Hopefully you won't have to move to India to watch the outsourced group.
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Glenn's Underground Cabin

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thanks guys for the words of encouragement, it really does help.  Whatever happens will happen, kinda odd, one could look at it as a door closes and a window opens.  That has certainly been the case many times in my life before.  I just dont know what to make of anything anymore these days tho. 

I'm not moving to India by the way, no matter what happens. 

Homegrown Tomatoes

Oh, Muldoon, so sorry to hear about your job, and hope that something works out for you and your family very soon.  Nine people were laid off last week at my husband's company, which has never happened in the company's nearly 35 year history.  Everyone there is very nervous, and my husband even sat up until about midnight last night updating his resume that hasn't been touched in a couple of years. 



Ouch!  Having to potentially manage the new outsourced group that replaces your existing team sounds like a downer.  Sorry to hear this, and I hope something positive comes out in the end.
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy. (Red Green)


Muldoon, I'm sorry to hear about the situation you are in. It looks like you have a good attitude and I really hope things work out for you!
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