funny story on myself

Started by Homegrown Tomatoes, March 28, 2009, 05:50:12 PM

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Homegrown Tomatoes

We're painting the living room since we pulled the carpet out and ended up cancelling the order for our flooring.  So DH and I were up until midnight last night.  Still there was no sign of the "blizzard" we were supposed to be getting.  I finally couldn't keep my eyes open and crawled into bed.  Was in a really really deep sleep when I became aware that DD was standing on the other side of the bed crying.  I mumbled something about her climbing on in to bed with us and she finally got around to telling me that she was having a nosebleed.  So, I handed her a handful of kleenex and started swatting the touch lamp on my nightstand so I could see what was going on.  The whole time DD is griping that her nightlight wasn't on and she had to feel her way to our room, etc., but it just wasn't registering with me.  I thought my lightbulb was burned out and it never occurred to me that there wasn't a speck of light anywhere, no clocks, no hall nightlight, or anything.  Meanwhile, I shake DH and ask him to please turn on the light on his nightstand because mine is burned out and DD is having a nosebleed.  He groans and rolls over and goes back to sleep.  So, I finally get around the bed and switch on the light on his side of the bed, and nothing happens and I finally HEAR DD who has been telling me the whole time that the power is out.  So I ask DH where a flashlight is, and he just mumbles nonsense, and I go groping down the hall, tripping on all the stuff we left there to get it out of the living room.  I start feeling my way around the living room looking for the lighter so that I can light a candle and can't find it to save my life.  Finally I give up and go to the kitchen, stubbing my toes every few seconds, and still not certain what I'm going in there for.  I finally decide to turn on a burner on the stove, forgetting that even though it is a propane stove, it has an electric ignition, and won't light when the power's out without a match or lighter.  So, after stinking up the kitchen with propane, I start feeling around the counters.  Meanwhile, DD hollers from the bedroom that the kleenexes aren't enough and she needs more, so I told her to wake her dad up and ask for more because they were out of her reach, and of course, he wouldn't wake up, so she's bleeding all over the quilt on our bed and begging him to hand her a kleenex. 
  Finally, I came across a matchbook on the kitchen counter.  I'd forgotten it was there... it was left there after I burned off the garden beds.  So I light a match to finally find a candle and light it.  I took it to the room to find DD's face, shoulder, arm, and clothes covered in blood, and she tells me that she bled all over the bed, too, and by this time, she is over the nosebleed, and I've lit three candles so I can see to start the cleanup, which required a wardrobe change for her and a serious washing off, as well as stripping her bed, etc., and I get her settled down in the guest room and make a mental note to run the humidifier in the morning and through the day today.  By candlelight, I'm still cleaning up, and just as I'm finishing and crawling back into bed, the lights come back on.  And I mean all of them!!!  I had hit something like ten lights before it finally dawned on me that the power was really out!!!  So, then I had to crawl back out of bed and go turn off all the lights, and of course by that time, all the light and ruckus had wakened the baby!  Argh!!!!


glenn kangiser

What a night that was - made me tired just thinking about it. d*
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Morning wasn't so great either.  See, she had blood on her hands from holding them over her nose, and then she "felt" her way into our room.  She also felt her way down her sister's bed.  Thankfully we haven't painted anything but the living room yet.  I hear that bloody handprints on the walls may lower the value of your home.   ;D  Actually, I think I got them all off.  I keep finding places I missed on her bed, though.  I hope she outgrows these someday... her poor nose bleeds at the drop of a hat, and even though she's used to it, it is frustrating.


My older brother was like that.  You can have her nose checked out - often it's just a fragile surface blood vessel that gets easily injured - the doc can cauterize it.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

glenn kangiser

Heavy Chemtrails overhead seem to have a real effect later in the day on non-stopping  nosebleeds -- google it.

I get slightly bloody sinuses sometimes on heavy spray days.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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