Children's Bill of Rights - Travis Co. Texas

Started by Sassy, November 20, 2008, 12:57:52 PM

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more gov't intervention - uhhh, make sure you give your children plenty of telephone time...  d*

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


As a Texan all I can say is those Californians have destroyed Austin. 


Watcha mean, Muldoon?   heh  I'm a Texan, too - born in Houston (only there 2 wks tho)

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


I dont mean all Californians of course.  Theres alot of good people in CA, but they certainly get a bad rap for the most part.

I mean all those californians that sold in CA for stupid money, came to Texas and drove the land rates through the roof.  Put the ranchers off their lands and carved up the place into 10 acre ranchlets with 3 million yuppie pot smoking idiots.  Half the city are tree hugging government controlling freaks.  It's now illegal to cut a tree in your own yard without a city permit after they send someone out to evaluate the environmental impact.  There are stupid feel good laws like this children's rights document that are impossible to enforece and a complete waste of taxpayer dollars.  They are the direct drivers on the TTC, trans texas corridor.  The superhighway and tollroad system to open up Mexico to Canada.  Another huge land grab.  Dont get me started on the vegetarians complaining about living next to a cattle ranch -- that was there when they bought it.   Or moving next a pumpjack oil field and then complaining it's an eyesore and trying to have it eliminated.  It's been there for decades -- maybe you shouldn't have bought the place if you didn't want to live next to it. 

As far as I am concerned, Californians have destroyed California.  The idiotic immigration policies, the handouts, the welfare state, the extreme separation of rich and poor, the invasive government policies, the high taxes have literally bankrupted the place.  You think were done with bailouts after the banks and now the autos?  Wait till next year when we start hearing about bailing out the states, CA at the top of the list.  Anyway, after they created a wasteland they are buying up huge swatches of Colorado and Texas (and I imagine other states as well) driving those residents to be unable to even afford property in the place they were born.  Then they want to put the same broken policies in place here. 


Ohhhh...   :-[  I agree with you, though.  So, they're still grabbing the land for the trans Texas corridor that all the politicians & the MSM say isn't happening?  Just like all the stuff Obama took off his website  just say it isn't so & it isn't  d*

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


I know a family here in OK that got investigated for child abuse because they didn't let their kids watch TV.


hi muldoon,

i love your detailed accounting of financial situations and read them w/great interest. my slant on them comes more from a spiritual viewpoint but what i wanted to comment on was you ambiguity in your statements on the people from cal. who move to co. and texas that you mentioned. you should take a stand and say what you really mean. c*
unless we recognize who's really in charge, things aren't going to get better.


Quote from: muldoon on November 20, 2008, 01:25:43 PM
As a Texan all I can say is those Californians have destroyed Austin. 

I went for many years disliking Californians muldoon. On the never ending miniseries (John Adams) I met a lot of them. All I met were VERY ANTI GUN!

I turned them before it was over. Nicest fellows you'd ever want to be around.

These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!

glenn kangiser

Good thing I'm an Oregonian in there you go --- talk about a police state --- look at Oregon... All the Californians moved to Oregon years ago and ruined it so I had to move to California.  Lucky for me the real Californians all took all of their money, left and bought Texas... :)
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