Hello all! I'm new to the small house world!

Started by KDOG, August 17, 2008, 01:34:39 PM

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Hello, I'm almost finished selling my house and crashing with my parents for the time being (bleh). I'm 36 and I would love for my next house to be one of these cool comfy cozy small houses. I would like to build a 2br house. I envision one br over top of the other with the top br being a loft style and the living room and kitchen etc being out in front of those with the ceiling of course going all the way up. I would also put skylights in  to help with better lighting. I don't know where to begin. I would love it to be ultra neat/cool and almost be a tourist attraction. I can't decide if i want a log cabin style or an "Americana" type home.  Well, I appreciate any help you can give me! Thanks! I'm glad I found this place!


 w* KDOG.

Well, I doubt that anyone can tell you what you're looking for, BUT we all can help with ideas and thoughts about pros and cons of different designs, ideas and so on.  I believe one good piece of advice is to take your time; look around at what others have built. I've used computer programs to help with design, but at heart I'm a paper and pencil guy when it comes down to the final plans.

Have you looked over John's variety of plans on the Country Plans main site?  www.countryplans.com   The unique thing about John's plans is that he lets you make changes at no extra charge. Also you can make as many copies of the plans as you need for your project completion. Not all sellers of plans allow those things.

Once again, Welcome, and as you have questions ask them. you'll receive answers I'm sure.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


As guy who built both his own log home and is currently building a conventionally framed cabin (strongly influenced by the great help available here), I can say if you want to build fast and stay maintainance free, build a stick frame home.  Logs are great, and I love living in a log home, but it is a challenge to build.  I also like the interior look of timber frames.  Some parts of my log home have the timber frame look to break up the solid logs.  And this look could be applied to most of the cabins here.

Also, while you can design a house prior to having land, keep in mind that you likely want to take the site into account prior to finishing your design.

A neat thing about this website, it is inspires people to dream and empowers them to tackle projects as complex as a cabin or house.  With the dream part, its amazing how much fun you can have with a pencil, paper or cheap CAD program once the fire to build a place has been lit. 8)

glenn kangiser

w* KDOG.  Hopefully as you look around here and ask questions you will be able to firm up your ideas of what you want.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


Well, also, I live in the Peoples' Republik of New Jersey so I'm sure I would run into zoning/building code issues as well.... I've been looking at the plans and they are great. I'm gonna have to do some thinking and maybe some planning on my own. Thanks all. Can't wait to see where this leads!