Decent in the ranks?

Started by ScottA, June 05, 2008, 05:48:11 PM

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First the head general of the army gets run off and now the top 2 generals in the air force.
Seems to me maybe Bushco is having trouble keeping the troops goose stepping to their marching tune.


But....but....we have the cowards on the run :o
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


We're still in some sort of war? ???

I thought that was mostly settled now, seem to only
hear about the election on the news.  ;)

glenn kangiser

It's a made up war, Heather, to transfer tax dollars to the pockets of Bush, Cheney, Haliburton, the oil companies and many corporate interests..

The Air Force officials resigning are likely just scape goats being made to cover for thefts of nuclear materials by Bushco.

The six Nukes stolen - 5 recovered had to be authorized by Bush - to many security checks and safeguards to be an accident.  I talked to a former Minot AFB man who agreed. 

These guys are refusing to cover for them so are being asked to (ordered to) resign.  Several people are dead from Minot for refusing to let them get away with stealing the Nukes -- these were probably the fuses for at least the one they managed to steal of the six.  Look for it to show up in a city near you - maybe the west -- to make us aware there still are terrorists. 

Another false flag operation like 9/11 likely.  Hopefully they will realize we are onto them and not be able to get away with it.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I agree Glenn, my sarcasm didn't come through well in type :o

I'm just sometimes surprised to see news related in any way to the military.
With all the election coverage and the all important entertainment coverage it's
easy to forget there are wars going on and other things happening militarily.

The only thing I would disagree with is the War on Terror being a made up war,
I would say it's quite real. It is debateable who exactly are the good guys and
the bad guys.

glenn kangiser

I got the sarcasm after I posted. :)

I agree there are terrorists, especially in Washington DC, Heather, but you will note that we are only fighting terror in countries that have oil and a place for a big foothold in the middle east and other vulnerable areas -- usually ones who can't well protect themselves, and ones where there is plenty of room for corruption so our leaders can one way or another transfer the US citizens money to their pockets.

The supposed "hijackers" were mostly from Saudi Arabia, so we attacked Afghanistan.  By the way -- things are now clear for Unocal to put the oil pipeline through there.  Next was Iraq.

What did Iraq have to do with 9/11?  Let him tell you.

Tons more that agree --- yes there are terrorists --- we have greatly increased the number of them with our policies.

We are not fighting a war on terror.  We are fighting a war of terror,  greed, unbridled lust for power and control, bullying and trying to insure the oil for us and Israel, but not fighting terror. 

I have lots more.  Have to reset my computer, but will be glad to continue. :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Glenn I would be happy to read anything you want to share.  :)

We are fighting a war on terror though, it's just that we are the enemy according to the elites. That is what makes it so confusing to tell the difference between the so called good guys and the enemy. :-\



I posted this on another thread but it seems relevent here, it might help explain some of the us policy.  Who are good guys and bad guys, or just bad guys we dont care about can generally be explained within.    If Castro was soo bad why didnt we save cuba from him?  If N Korea is so dangerous and we didnt invade them, why now Iran?  Why the hell are we friends with Saudi Arabia, going to war to make sure they kept Kuwait in the 90s? Why does soo much US investment go to Dubai in UAE? Is Hugo from Venezeula eally a bad guy, or is he just uncooperative? 


Thanks muldoon. I understand the reasoning for the US policy, well as much as it can be
understood.  ??? 

I just don't think it is all about oil. I think there is more to the plan than just
oil or money. At the risk of being called a tinfoil hat conspiracy freak I'll say I think it has much to
do with power, ultimate power and control over as many people as possible.


Personally I believe if there was no oil "over there" we wouldn't give a dam about that corner of the planet. We had little interest in the region until the mid 1930's when oil was discovered.

And I believe Hugo Chavez IS a bad guy; from what I've read of his opinions and some of what he has achieved, and how he achieved it, in his country.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

glenn kangiser

I think you are right, Heather. 

Yeah you could include us as the enemy or at the very least a disposable commodity that must raised in puppy factory conditions to provide cannon fodder for the power, oil, world dominance, empire building wars of the elite.  Maybe you won't be able to stand it, but there is a story behind the song.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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