Telling on myself

Started by peternap, March 09, 2012, 08:09:33 PM

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It's been a long day and I don;t feel well, so I went back to scanning the thousand or so photo's that came from the folks house.

I had no idea there were so many of us as kids.

I came across this one that 50 odd years later seems like yesterday...and it does serious damage to my reputation as a Mean SOB. c*

I decided I wanted to take up trapping. I couldn't afford steel traps in those days so I learned to make snares and box traps. The latter first.
Well, I hauled a half dozen box traps a few miles up river and baited them without putting the doors on. The next Saturday, I went back, baited them again and set the doors. I could hardly wait until Sunday morning. I just knew my new Coonskin Cap was waiting.

At daybreak I was on my way. I checked most of the traps which were empty and then I got to one the door was down.
I walked up and nudged it. Something hissed.
I figured I must have caught a ten pound snake.

I finally got the nerve up to empty the trap in a bag and there sat a possum  grinning for all he was worth.

I just didn't have the heart to kill the ugly little thing so I picked it up by the tail and took it home. Everyone got a good laugh at the mighty trapper and at the end of the day, I let him go back to raiding trashcans.

I did get my coonskin cap later in the year but that possum will always stand out as my first catch.

These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


I think they're cute, Peter!  One night a mama possum got run over - most of the babies that were riding on her back got killed.  One was alive so I hand raised it - it was tiny, fit in my hand.  At 1st it would hiss & show all its teeth & there's a whole lot of those sharp things  :o  But after holding it for awhile it went to sleep.  From then on he'd just go to sleep in my hand.  I bottle fed him, took him to work in a box w/a light to keep him warm.  One of the ladies working there wouldn't go in the break room w/the possum there  ???

I raised him until he was big & one day my BIL let him out in the back yard & he got away   :(  I cried for days whenever I'd think about him  :-\  He was so cute & soft  :)

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free