Cue lawsuit in 3...2...1...

Started by Phssthpok, July 21, 2011, 01:42:08 PM

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Talk about stupid!
I have to wonder if some of the idiot cops forget the body mic is on.

Should be a good lawsuit. I wonder how the Cop will like working for McDonalds?
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


What a fine specimen representing our pubic safety services.

Protect and serve?  I think he forgot who that refers to.

Maybe a slightly higher result on an IQ test before allowing someone to enter the academy would help.   [slap]


This is a great example of what gets cops killed

Both of these idiot cops are so lucky this was not a real bad guy.  The one cop is in the car doing the search with the driver in it.  That is bad, what the heck is he thinking.  He is not paying any attention to the driver.  The stupid one with the open mic he is not paying attention to the driver. 

If this is a real bad guy, he simply would have to flip around POP POP there goes that cop.  The door flys open, driver spins out low, lands on the ground on his belly, fully extended.  He presents very little sight picture and he can not miss. POP POP the other cop goes down.

The stupid one with the open mic is huge and caught without cover.  He will stand there in disbelief as the last two seconds of his life unfold.  He is too busy posturing and hunting a fight to be of any use to his partner.  He is itchy wanting the guy or the gal to start something.  (Most likely the gal.)  He is to busy talking down to them thinking he is hot sh_t to stay on task and secure the driver.   

This whole scene looks like a training film.  Everything not to do is done.     

Funny the stupid cop with the open mic was upset.  I think his partner should have clubbed him for not securing the driver.  The loud mouthed cop should have beat his partner for getting in the car.   I think their sergeant should have beat both of them for being stupid.     

The guy with the C&C permit was the only sane one of the bunch.

But then I say that they both are most likely out of service on paid administrative leave.         
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.


This video is the primary reason I'm opposed to the death penalty unless there is clear video and a dozen witnesses.  I've seen it firsthand.  I watched the police pound a homeless guy in the head in 1987 for no real reason. I didn't say anything because we relied on them so much.  We had lots of problems with drugs and crime.   I was afraid if I said anything the cops wouldn't respond when I really needed them.  It's a big regret of mine. 

Cops lie for each other.  They make stuff up.  There are lots of good cops.  The system is broken, and sometimes they probably feel like they don't have much choice.  We really need better psychological profiling of officers during the rookie stage.  Weed out the guys like this one earlier. 
New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.