Using looooonnnng LVL's?

Started by MushCreek, February 14, 2011, 05:06:42 PM

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Since I'm going to build my barn first, I'm looking at different construction options. The plans I have require the floor joists to run cross ways, which is 28'. I want to have one section open with no intermediate loft support (we've had a discussion about this before). I'm currently looking at LVL's to span the 28' (27' between support). According to Ilevel, their TJI 360 16" is good for some 29' of free span! Have any of you actually spanned a distance like that? The span table I used is 40 psf live load, 20 psf dead load, and a deflection of 480. That should be plenty stout, but I don't want a giant trampoline! This is just a barn loft, but I could see fixing it up someday for a man cave or something. Will the LVL's really span that much? And how hard is it going to be to install 100#, 28' LVL's without a crane?

I'm not poor- I'm financially underpowered.


These are TJI's rather than LVL's. An LVL is the solid rectangular plywood looking beam, a TJI is the I beam looking joist. Yup if they say it can handle the span it can. Instead of a trampoline... it should deflect about 9/16" under full load, think more along the lines of snare drum, this is a long taught string. Sheath both top and bottom and if it is vibrating too much sheath the top again, if still too much add mass... see where I'm going, kill the reverb. They are not too bad to place, ive set 40'ers over multiple supports with 2 of us, kinda like carrying limp spagetti. Carry hanging from the top flange and don't let it flop flatways. Brace them well and don't walk them. I really prefer open web for this application but it's heavier and usually a bit more expensive.


TJIs are definitely marvels of engineering-----if you are really concerned about deflection and bouncy loft floors------spec out one size larger than the minimum. It actually may be cheaper than a lot of extra sheathing. At any rate, the manufacturer can/will provide a lot of advice without charge.
Rwanders lived in Southcentral Alaska since 1967
Now lives in St Augustine, Florida