The Greater Good

Started by Sassy, December 13, 2008, 02:01:24 PM

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By Nancy Levant
December 13, 2008

The concept of the greater good, created by think tanks and spewed by generations of politicians, provided the impetus for the usurpation of our Constitution. The greater good is a strategically scripted morality campaign and code to force-manipulate American people into accepting total social, military, and technological controls. The greater good is the reason why we are "sacrificing" our religions, our homes and private property, our jobs and incomes, our retirements and savings, our automobiles, and most particularly, our ability to have personal opinions.

So what exactly is the greater good? The greater good is a documented and rule-bound social contract which was bound together by the United Nations in a document called Agenda 21. So, here we are, all these years later, and just as so many have warned, we are back to the reality and fruition of Agenda 21.

Here's the greater good in a nutshell:

Religious belief is illegal minus environmental worship, which manipulates us into acceptance of tribal lifestyles – minus, of course, the billionaires. Their lifestyles will remain unaltered, and they will sacrifice nothing whatsoever. We, however, will sacrifice warmth in winter, coolness in summer, driving automobiles, eating meat, gun ownership, all privacy, and any accumulation of money. We will sacrifice home ownership, and privately owned land will be disallowed and illegal. Water will be rationed. Employment will be rationed. Sound familiar?

Now, as our newly elected globalist leaders are ready to lead us into the greater good, let us be ready, as well. Take your volunteer posts, smile; be prepared to turn in your polluting and constitutional neighbors – especially the ones that own cows and horses that pass gas – and partner with a governing organization. I hear tell that hungry and unemployed families are currently turning in their guns in exchange for food in some cities – using such greater good programs that were set up to help the hungry and unemployed. After all, the Second Amendment is certainly not for the greater good unless, of course, you're a paramilitary man.

Your Agenda 21 rule book can be found at the United Nations website or on I strongly suggest that you read how and why you must become a greater gooder. Actually, you have no opinion-option.

© 2008 Nancy Levant - All Rights Reserve
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I'm the greater evil. Sorry folks we can't all be good.