So Obama wants my kids and guns and money

Started by peternap, November 11, 2008, 08:51:45 PM

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I've heard for months now, just how dangerous Obama is. I've also heard how we'll fight if it comes to that. We will...but how and what will start it.

First, he hasn't taken office yet and my opinion is his mouth is writing checks his ass can't cash. I might be wrong, I was once. What if I am wrong? Will we all barricade ourselves in our houses and depend on truth, justice and the American way, to save us? If we do, it will be a short fight.

Taking us back on one of my history lessons when we got mad as hell and wouldn't take it anymore.
The year was 1969 and a splinter group of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) had enough pussyfooting around.

The new Group was the Weathermen. The name was taken from a Bob Dylan song that went something like this,"You don't have to be a Weatherman to know what way the wind is blowing".

The first big step for teh Weathermen was a riot in Chicago . This was part of a National Action and grew from a Resoulation drawn up for the SDS called "The Elections Don't Mean Shit—Vote Where the Power Is—Our Power Is In The Street" 
There were some interesting groups, The Black Panthers for one, who after the riot, distanced the Weathermen, saying they were too violent and would give them a bad name ???

The Weathermen were clear about what they wanted to do.

"[Weatherman would shove the war down] their dumb, fascist throats and show them, while we were at it, how much better we were than them, both tactically and strategically, as a people. In an all-out civil war over Vietnam and other fascist U.S. imperialism, we were going to bring the war home. 'Turn the imperialists' war into a civil war', in Lenin's words. And we were going to kick ass.

Now remember, at that time the Weathermen only had a few hundred members. It doesn't take a lot of people to start a Civil war.

The Chicago event started with the Weathermen bombing a statue dedicated to Police Officers.
The riots were short violent and had few people show up. A number of police officers were injured, several protesters shot, one District Attorney paralized...but they set the stage for a series and even a lifestyle of bombings, riots and an ever increasing movement to overthrow the Government. These lasted through the 70 and had the servicemen not been brought home, would have succeeded.

Still think Obama or anyone else can just twist the country the way he wishes. George Bush has turned this country into a powder keg. Let's see if Obama lights the fuse.
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!

glenn kangiser

I think if I understand you correctly, that you are right.  I think it is a ways from what he says he is going to do, to the point where he is actually able to do it and major American Public dissent may slow or stop his ambitions and hopefully his advisors will advise him to cool it.... but that remains to be seen.  We have to keep in mind that his puppetmasters are the ones who we have to impress.

I think his website rhetoric that was taken down may be an indication that he has already figured out that the public just may not stand for it.  The internet is a good place for him to test the waters without getting himself hurt, then maybe he will decide to change his policies before they make him and his party trouble they can't handle.

I think that a lot of the servicemen will remember that they swore to defend the Constitution and hopefully they will consider him to be getting in the way of that if he tries to turn us and or our children into a bunch of Nazis.  At least some of our Airmen showed their mettle in revealing their theft of the nukes.  I think there are more good ones out there.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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The point I was trying to make Glenn, is that throughout history both here and elswhere, there have always been ultra violeent groups ready to start the ball rolling.

If I had to guess, a fringe of the KKK or Skinheads would be Obama's ..Weathermen.
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!

glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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