A bit scarce for a few days

Started by glenn-k, August 04, 2005, 11:47:14 PM

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I'm heading to a family reunion in Lincoln City, Oregon Saturday, so will be a bit scarce for a few days however I do intend to check in as is possible.

Anybody for Sunday brunch in Lincoln City or maybe Tillamook ???--  I'll try to get a photo of the house I helped my old dead Uncle remodel about 45 years ago.

Play nice.


Its a bit out of the way, but I am in Klamath Falls.  Welcome to stop on by.
just spent a few days building a website, and didn't know that it could be so physically taxing to sit and do nothing all day!

glenn kangiser -road trip

Actually not much out of the way as I hate I-5 so always run 97 through K-Falls.  I mentioned you lived around there to my wife as we went through. Send me directions via e-mail as I can't log in to my account for instant messages without getting my own computer set up.

We should be through there mid day Tuesday.

I got a poor picture of the house I worked on with my uncle and a picture of the old log bridge at my other uncles - 2 layers of log bridges over the last 60 years with a newer railroad flatxar bridge over the top of them.  Jefftn asked about them a long time ago.  Picture quality was poor because of trees and brush and black berrys that swallow up anything you don't keep fighting for about every 5 years near  the Oregon coast.


hobbiest- check your instant messages for my cell phone number if you get this before mid day.

Had to sign up my daughter to Instant Message you to get past Countryplans Security

You Non-Conformists Are All the Same! :)


Here too, on blackberries.

The vines, not the cute little phone etc. jobbie.

glenn kangiser

Made it back but now have to go to work - pay for the time I goofed off.  :-/
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


It's that time of year again----

Family get together in the cow pasture on Widow Creek road -- the old family homestead -- My Uncles place.

I will try to check in as well as possible.

Everybody play nice. ;D


Don't forget the photos this time, we are still waiting for the last lot. ;)


QuoteI'll try to get a photo of the house I helped my old dead Uncle remodel about 45 years ago.

Yes please, I am still wondering how you built a house with a dead dude  ;)  

long week... ::)


He wasn't dead then, however he had this cute little thing he liked to do when standing right beside us kids that really made you wonder. :-/

That reminds me-- I think I'll go visit the Tillamook Cheese factory when I'm up there. :)

The photos may be very scary--- most people are not used to seeing that many knuckle draggers in one location.  Maybe I'll stick to buildings.  Not me --- I mean the pictures.


OOH I love Oregon blackberies, especially those really big fat ones. My grandpa in Portland had vines trained all over some trellies in his backyard.

My folks are up the 97 too, but it's a bit farther than K-Falls.

Last time we were up at the Tennessee property one of the clearings was covered in blackberries, we don't plan on building anything there so we left it alone, not to mention hundreds of wild blueberry bushes. I have jars and jars of the things in the freezer.

Pictures please, I love the old coastline houses, they just seem to belong to their settings.


If any of the berries are ready, I'll eat some for you, Shawna.   :) Yum.

We just drove up 97 to 58 -- I like it better than I-5.  I probably went right past your parents place.

I'll see if I can remember pictures.

Note --I got to my daughter and Son-in-laws place and they had the computer warmed up for me so I could check in.  They had me figured out. :-/ :)

glenn kangiser

Here you go, Shawna.

Not the biggest but they are just getting ready.

No trip to the Lincoln City area would be complete without a visit to the world famous Otis Cafe for German Potatoes.

An example of well kept older coastal construction ---  My uncle's house on Devils Lake.

Leave a home uncared for too long in this area and the blackberries will repossess it like my great uncles house. He stopped for that extra beer on the way home.  (Maybe a few times too many).

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


Glenn, they are up farther up in Sunriver. Talk about building restrictions, they even dictated what color my dad could paint his house.....they didn't like the first color he submitted, or the second or third, so he resubmitted the first one with a different name and the silly design committee fell for it! But he also doesn't have to keep a green grass yard either, they prefer "natural", sage brush, pines and juniper, oh and of course lots and lots of dust!

Don't know how long my dad will last there, no vegetable gardens either.....he loves the house he designed, gorgous views of Mt. Bachelor with the reverse living design but the restrictions in the resort are beginning to wear on him.

At least he could sell it for a good profit!

Yummy looking berries, I hope you brought some home and froze them. Really good with milk and sugar.


I found out yesterday that I will be out of town for the next week or so ---so everybody play nice. I'll check in as possible -first day may be hard - working in the mountains then off for the weekend then back to Valencia.  Selling my body for money again. :'(


Hi Glenn,

I would most definitely be up for a brunch or something on Sunday in Lincoln City or Tillamook.  I will be in Neskowin (just north of Lincoln City) working on my building site.  Name the place and time and I will be there.


If you like, we could meet at the Hawk Creek Cafe in Neskowin and you could take a look at my site. :)


Oops, I didn't notice that the original post was from last you and Glenn was just "recycling/reusing".

As Emily Littela used to say: Never mind.



Hey. Mike -- no  problem -- how about next year - should be about the same time -- I'll probably be there if it works into my schedule.  Family homestead is still there.

I am currently borrowing internet access from a Motel who was nice enough to leave it open -
Shaver Lake - Sierra Nevadas. 5500 ft elev.


Next year would be great.  Hopefully by then I will be weathered in and much closer to habitable than I am now.

I was just in your neck of the woods: Fallen Leaf Lake south of Lake Tahoe.  Gorgeous place.



Sounds great,

Any time you or anyone else happens to get near here and want to drop in let me know also. :)