Colorado's San Luis Valley

Started by youngins, February 11, 2007, 08:04:23 PM

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Those guys sure don't look like alpacas.  And certainly pronghorns would be more likely out in the middle of nowhere.

I often pass a hobby farm that features a handful of alpacas three zebras some miniature donkeys a camel, and some fairly exotic cattle.  I think the owner has finally gotten rid of his bison after he came close to being killed tryin to separate a mating bull and a cow--or something on that order--I think I've heard a couple of versions of that story.  I think some of his guinea fowl got loose and hung around our area for a few months until they succumbed to coyotes and other varmits.

There was rumored to be an emu loose and wandering up in a small community just north of here--dubbed "The Mayor of Flatwoods," he--or she--seemed to have a pretty regular route around businesses and houses looking for handouts.  I never saw it, although I always looked when I went through there.

Here's a link to an alpaca that really does look a bit--long upright neck, colors and all--like the single pronghorn.  He's all gussied up for the pictures.  I wish that the ones up the road looked this good.  They truly don't.


I have a friend in Washington state (Ferndale) who raised alpacas.  She also boarded other people's.  They had to constantly be tending to them - some were worth $20,000.  She spun the wool & made sweaters & blankets.  She also had several ferrets that were quite the comedians - so much energy.


Good breeding stock apparently can go for that.  

Although there may be some feeling around that the last person to buy is going to find the market collapsing right afterwards.

May be true for some of the fancy cattle as well.

Llamas, raised for pack animals, are supposed to be friendlier, but these look sooooo cute and wonderful.



Sandhill Cranes - San Luis Valley, CO - March 2007
Photo by Tonya Poole  -


Taste like chicken?  :-?

I'm trying to imagine eating a drumstick from one of them - you could use both hands.

Nice pix. :)


 A couple of years ago my wife and I were searching for land in Colorado and encountered Billy Land through ebay. I tried bidding a few times, but always lost out to someone else. Luckily I researched some more and found out Good Ol' Billy is charging quite a bit more for what the going market rate is.

We eventually contacted 2 realtors in the area and got some good choices to look at. I recommend anyone interested in purchasing land to go  there and personally check it out. Pictures really cannot capture the true beauty of the San Luis Valley.

To make a long story short we found our 5 acre parcel with a Super view of mount Blanca, 1o minute drive to Ft. Garland, plenty of trees, Pinyons and Spruce and with a good incline on the land for our future cozy cabin in SDCR.

No Electricity or Water there, but we plan on using Solar/Generator/Batteries; Water cistern; Septic tank. I've got plans drawn out already which conform to SDCR building covenants.



Welcome to the forum -- looks very much like the eastern Sierra Nevada - around Bishop or so - although the Sierra Nevada is much closer in that area to the flat area --- gets real hot and real cold.