D-Log Shed Build on Skids

Started by OlJarhead, May 13, 2024, 02:49:30 PM

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Afternoon all!

OK, I'm about to embark on a D-Log shed build that I plan to make somewhere between 8x10 to 10x12 and make 'non permanent'.  By this I mean the shed will be small enough to not meet permitting requirements and will not be on a foundation.

My plan is to set two logs flattened on two sides leaving at least an 8 inch flat face, on pavers/rocks/cinder blocks (not sure what I will do yet) and then build 5 or 5 1/2" D-Log walls on top of those logs which will leave a 2 1/2" 'ledger' (or at least a ledge) on the remaining flat surface (since the logs will have an 8 inch flat face and the D-Logs will be no more than 5 to 5 1/2 inches as I plan to use the worst of the logs I have already milled and just flatten them out) which would allow me to build my floor inside the 1st course of wall logs, sitting on the 'skid' logs.

My thought is that I won't move the 'cabin/shed' anyway so using the skid logs as a ledger to mount fix the floor on top of (leaving me a span of 10' so I'll use 8" floor joists most likely).

As I build up the course of logs I'll mark the door and windows (windows will not be put in the structure until/unless I convert to a bedroom cabin) and not screw the logs together in those location.

I plan to use 9" Oly log screws and place them at 24" intervals as well as at the ends.

I'll be using the Butt and Pass method of building and will use purlins to make the roof.  I can mill 1.5" 6" ceiling planks and probably make them into T&G for sheathing the ceiling then place 30lbs felt on top of those and I'll likely then affix two layers of R10 foam on them, then a layer of sheathing, more felt and then roofing (metal) to finish off an R20 roof with open purlins running the length inside with exposed 6" plank ceiling.

For the porch I'll extend the purlins 4 feet to the from and 2 or 3 feet to the rear (so if 12 foot in length I'll need 18-20 foot purlins) and use D-Log cut offs for the gables.

My main contemplation at this point is the non-foundation.  I think using pavers is probably the best option and setting them every 4 feet or even 6 feet should work.  Once level the area has good drainage so I'm not overly concerned about movement and with a 24" eve/overhang on the sides I should protect the logs well.

I figured I'd burn the logs before placing as the 'skid' foundation log and then use base plate seal foam between log courses to help seal up gaps and of course, finish it with chinking.

Any thoughts?  Concerns?  Suggestions?


Quote from: Jason Downard on August 13, 2024, 09:35:37 PMGreat, your plans for building a D-Log Shed without a foundation are very detailed and thoughtful. The use of cleats, flat logs as "supports" and the "Butt and Pass" construction method are noteworthy. Adding insulation and a porch design will add to the aesthetics and efficiency. If done correctly, you will have a beautiful and durable log home. ;) ;)

Odd comment and why the double winks?  Is the comment AI generated and the joke is on us? ???  ???
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Probably a computer generated spam post.  I see them all the time!


I'm thinking now that I may place the skids as planned, then run flattened 6" logs as 'floor beams' to place plank flooring on (though I may use OSB and then 1x's to make sure it's well sealed.

I'm still debating the issue of rats and mice and insulation and maybe will use 2" Foam between the OSB and the 1" flooring or something like that.

Anyone have a good way to make a floor this way and insulate it while keep the rodents from stealing the insulation and without having to crawl under a structure on the ground and placing hardware cloth?

Adam Roby

Quote from: OlJarhead on September 15, 2024, 06:01:44 PM...I'm still debating the issue of rats and mice and insulation and maybe will use 2" Foam between the OSB and the 1" flooring or something like that...

Hey Eric, watched your latest video with the insulation being torn off from the rodents.
Been contemplating the same thing, either doing the two propane-tank type spray foam from underneath, or simply laying down some 2" foam board and plywood overtop... although I really don't want to move my door, and the added height would impede the door from opening.  I am not eager to crawl underneath to deal with spray foam and rodent mesh either... sigh.

I've posted a couple times on your channel, but I always show as anonymous - can't figure out those settings.  Must be quite the learning curve to get into being a YouTuber, but your videos are quite entertaining.

I haven't posted in a while.  I've been hit with one thing after another.  I bought the metal roofing for the new cabin, but was put on hold due to massive flooding at home (we lost our entire basement) - and still trying to deal with the insurance and loss of personal effects, tools, all my cabin goodies that I had saved up, custom built counters...  and now a rotary cuff injury in my shoulder, might make it a challenge to get onto the roof and lay down the metal.  Anyway, hoping to get back at it soon... watching your videos in the meantime to keep me inspired and hopefully not make the same mistakes you point out. 



Hey bud!  I do see your comments and replied to them and thought "I know Adam from CP Forum!" but probably got distracted along the lines of answering (crazy busy as my channel grows).

For the floor I'm still a little torn.  R10 rigid foam is easy for rodents to chew so still needs protection (hardware cloth or something else).  However, they can't pull it through the cloth -- on the other hand bats are cheaper and when renovating the outhouse porch I noticed they did NOT get to any I stuffed in that floor because of the hardware cloth.

So at this point I'm thinking of hiring someone to finish the job ;)  Easier on my busted up body too! lol

Sorry to hear about the flood!!  Yikes!  and the shoulder!  I have a permanently dislocated SC joint (inner collar bone) and some blown discs so I get it!  Roof work is something I may pay someone else to do unless the pitch is lower than mine ;)

My new cabin I intend to go with a 6x12 pitch or something like that to make life easier lol.

As for YT - yes!  I am constantly learning and trying to get better at it.  I became monetized a couple years ago but it's been full time work this year (since August 23) trying to build it up after a bit of a setback in late '22).

Biggest thing I've learned "your viewers will tell you what they want to watch".  You just have to learn to interpret it LOL

Cheers! and thanks!