N Dakota wants to abolish property taxes

Started by Sassy, March 29, 2011, 02:42:20 PM

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Constitutional Amendment in North Dakota Would Abolish Property Taxes

One of the best constitutional amendment proposals I have seen in years comes from a taxpayer group in North Dakota.

Please consider Amendment would abolish ND property taxes, order Legislature to figure out new revenue plan

    Backers of a constitutional amendment to abolish North Dakota property taxes believe they have enough petition signatures to put the idea on the ballot, even though the number they thought they needed has risen.

    "It's a new idea. It's something a lot of people hadn't even considered until we put it in front of them," said Charlene Nelson, of Casselton, who is chairwoman of the initiative campaign.

    The amendment bars the state and local governments from levying any property tax, beginning Jan. 1. It says the Legislature must use other revenue sources, such as taxes on sales, income and energy, to decide how to replace the revenue that local governments will lose.

    North Dakota's Constitution allows voters to bypass the Legislature and put a constitutional amendment directly to a vote if the proposal's supporters can gather enough petition signatures.

    Property owners were billed $774.6 million in property taxes in 2009, according to the most recent North Dakota Tax Department data. Local school districts' share was about 41 percent, while cities billed 28 percent and counties 26 percent, the data say.

    By comparison, the state collected $883.3 million in sales taxes during its 2010 budget year, which ended June 30, according to the state's most recent comprehensive annual financial report.

    Individual and corporate income taxes raised $380.1 million during the same period, while taxes on oil, natural gas and coal raised $633.5 million.

    Property taxes on a person's home means he or she never owns it, even after its mortgage is paid, Nelson said. The annual property tax bill is due regardless of a person's income, while taxes on income and sales depend on the amount of money a person has to spend, she said.

    The proposed property tax ban "goes to the core of the lot of the problems that people in this state are facing. Economics, low-paying jobs, seeing their young children move out to other states," Nelson said. "The public debate, I think, is going to be the most healthy thing that comes out of this.

Never Owning Your Own Home

I agree with nelson that paying property taxes on your home means you can never own it. It is an insidious tax that hits those on fixed income the hardest.


You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


I've always felt that property taxes were the least fair kind of tax.  You have to pay regardless of whether you have any income.
Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.


They are not issuing alloidial titles tho. 

Even if this passes and I doubt it will, in a few years the taxes will be back. 


Name me one thing that isn't taxed. I doubt this has much chance.


   They will just raise another tax to pay for it . . .   

   In Texas we have no state income tax.   But, one of the highest real estate tax.   Ultimately, they will receive their money (tax).

    . . . said the focus was safety, not filling town coffers with permit money . . .


Exactly. I'm certain they will not spend less money if the real estate tax is removed.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.