spring rights questions

Started by angus, March 19, 2010, 01:42:36 PM

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Greetings to all on the board.

So, Im new here and I am closing on a piece of land where there are spring rights deeded to the abutter.  I am fine with the concept of the spring rights as the lot is large enough (25+ acres) so that I dont anticipate the placement of the existing spring box affecting me. My question to anyone that may have experience with a similar situation; what issues may arise?  What specifically do spring rights generally allow for?  How much will their 'line' (from the spring to their house impact my building decision(s)?

Any insight is appreciated and while I know that my situation is most likely different than others, I am simply trying to anticipate what general considerations must be taken into account.

Thanks to all on this board.  It has been a wealth of co-operative knowledge that has helped me.



Gus they are basickly no different that a "right of way" essement.  It should be specified in the original deed.  You will not be able to change that unless the abutter agrees with the change.  Is there already a line to the abutter now?  

My only concern would be that if the water level falls or the spring goes dry because of too much use.  Just make sure that there is nothing in writing in the deed that gives other people the right to search for or develope another site.  Also it should be specific as to where the line is.  A real PIA neighbor can really be a PIA on something like this.

BTW  w*


Yup- there is an existing line and spring box on "my" property that goes right into their house.  Im concerned with the issue you brought up re: searching for another site.  Another concern is whether the abutters decide to put in a pool or a pond or something else that necessitates a large water draw that would give them cause to search for additional site(s).  Thanks for the response.


Your septic field will also not be allowed within the locally set seperation distance. We have a diamond cut out of the adjoining property to give us access to a spring, (I went up above it and found a logging deck where they had obviously serviced the equipment so drilled a well). It might be better to sell them the chunk and put an end to the easement.