Cost information on 20 wide plans 1-1/2 & 2 story

Started by joe_landscaper, January 09, 2006, 09:29:24 PM

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Hi, i'm new to the sit e and just purchased plans. I was hoping somebody would be able to tell me what the raw materials cost them on the 20x30 1 1/2 story. Not including cabinets, electrical, and plumbing material. I'm looking for lumber, metal roof, and window numbers. I just purchased 5 acres in the southern sierras (california ) and we are currently clearing our building site, weather permitting. Any help or advice is appreciated.  Thanks! Mike


This is from another post about this subject.

Here is a quote on recent pricing by Monica Vojacek in Texas.  20x34 2 story
Just thought i'd share our figures with you. we are outside of houston texas. we too are building the 2 story, but without the basement. everything has been bought new from lowes or home depot. we have done everything ourselves . dried in $15K. or $11/sq.ft. this includes our metal roof and box gutters.  also know if you have cash, the larger places will outbid eachother. we saved alot of money by doing this. our first estimate for all our lumber was$12K and we ended up around 9K with free delivery. good luck! monica vojacek


Thaks Jimmy, I appreciate the information.