Same newbie... different question

Started by Sasquatch, May 10, 2007, 12:33:31 AM

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Anyone here have any idea how to make an addition to a cinderblock structure (concrete block & mortar)? What is the proper method for joining new block walls to existing ones?  Can stick-framed walls be joined to block walls (or rather, should they)?

My local code Nazis are at a loss (nothing new there), and I'd like to draft the plans myself before taking them to the engineer (someone has to check my math!).

Thanks again!



You can usually drill holes into the existing wall and epoxy rebars into it to connect the walls together.  New footing must be properly sized.  Existing wall must be grouted solid.  This is usually designed by an engineer.  Alternatively you may be able to just make an independent wall next to the other.  Again you may need help from an architect or engineeer, unless your officials will just take your design and let you go with it.