Concrete Question

Started by Mudball, June 19, 2005, 07:27:35 AM

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I have a building site that is graded down to some pretty solid chert.
I was thinking of using a concrete mix called "steel fiber mix" that would be mixed to be 4000 psi for my footer.
Two different building contractors have told me that if I was to use this product then I wouldn't be needing the rebar in the footer.
The steel fiber mix cost is higher but I thought it might be worth it.
We really don't have any strict building codes in my county but the neighboring county does and they have excepted the concrete mix for a footer excluding the rebar and thats a footer that is I believe is 8" deep with around 3000 to 3500 psi.
I am wanting a 10" deep 2' wide footer with the steel mix at 4000 psi and no rebar.
Any suggestions, thoughts or comment ?


Over here they call the reinforcing fiber "Fibermesh" and when it is used it replaces rebar or remesh.


Thanks Glenn.
I just met with another builder just today and I think I'm going to use him for the footer, block work, septic, and waterline. Anyway he said that with my hard chert dirt that a 2' wide X 10" deep footer with this type of concrete would be more than enough.
Thanks again.


Sounds reasonable.  Hope all goes well.