Tent or Camping House- Want to use Milstein's " Summer House" design or similar

Started by sharondodge, December 13, 2010, 07:57:27 AM

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I am interested in building Jeff Milstein's Summer House featured in the TINY HOMES book (printed in  Family Circle in the seventies along with his Bolt Together house, available here on this site now) for use as an occasional caretaker's cottage on my property on the Big Island, Hawaii. My  comfortable luxurious but also very small, owner-built "round house" there (which took four years to build!) is now occupied by a year roundcaretaker who needs to leave when I arrive, now to enjoy it.
I like the Summer House, and it looks like just what what we need for an occasional use. Anyone able to provide me with a set of the plans?
I can pay something for mailing, copying, and your trouble to provide them and am not then strictly " buying" them hence no sales issue I do not think.  I will sign any  kind of waiver, etc.  I am definitely not trying to satisfy any building codes, and will build at my own risk.
Alternatively, can anyone recommend another complete plan for a small "house tent" or "tent with walls" ,around or under 200 square feet, for my purposes? This one of Milstein's sure seems an efficient and comfortable with good use of materials, space, and a nice design (to  be able to fit it all in and look great, like a real house). There are no insulation or weather issues; cost and comfort issues only! 
Can anyone help? 


Have you thought about building a small yurt?  We also live on the Big Island half time and I've been looking at getting one for a guest cottage.  We are in Mountain View.