Input on 10 x 12 cabins or 8 x 15. which "feels" better

Started by Hunterscabin, December 28, 2014, 09:51:54 PM

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The square footage is the same. 10 x 12 or 8 x 15. But has anyone experienced one being better than the other.Are there better designs out there?
Hey! I know we are talking only 3 feet differance. But, I wa hoping to build only one small cabin before the larger one.
Hoping that everyone has a great New Year.


John Raabe

I would feel that the 10x12 might feel more "spacious". In an 8' width you have the thickness of the walls and then 30 to 36" for a pass through space. That leaves only about 5' or less for the activity space. On the other hand if you can push all your activities to the sidewalls the 8x15 adds a couple of feet extra to the wall line.
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