Cheaped out again.........Got any recommendations for a garage door?

Started by NM_Shooter, January 02, 2012, 09:56:29 AM

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My 14 year old garage door gave up the ghost yesterday.  We knew it was just a matter of time.  Sigh..... Just when I thought I was going to have some mad money to play with too. 

This was a Wayne Dalton door, and the door panels were nice and heavy; it was a good stiff door.  But I didn't like the roller hinge hardware. 

I need a wide / tall door.  18 feet wide, 8' tall.  It faces into our heavy spring winds.  I need it to be wind / critter proof and provide some insulation.  I'm heading to Lowe's today to take a look at what they have. 

Any suggestions?
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


Got several quotes on new doors, ranging from $1400 to $2000 installed. 

In looking at the door, I realized that the door panels were not in terrible shape, just the hinges / roller mounts, and rollers.  I checked with a tech to see what it would cost to replace the hardware on the door.  He told me about $500, but that Wayne Dalton no longer made the hardware to fit it, and he was unsure how to retrofit with newer hardware.  In retrospect, I now think he was trying to sell me a new door.

I looked online, and found that I could buy all the hardware and weather seals for about $330 shipped.  I was getting ready to order when I thought i would get a sanity check from a local shop.  I went in, told the guy the stuff I needed, and he told me that it would be a whole lot cheaper if he just sold me a boxed hardware kit. 

I got upgraded hinges (14 ga), better hardware all over the door, and upgraded nylong rollers with ball bearings.  Weather stripping all around the door too.  Plus the rest of the hardware when I choose to upgrade the spring. 

Took me all of 2 hours to unbolt all the old stuff and swap in the new.  Would have been faster, but had to grind some flat spots on security screws to get the bottom braces off.  Door now seals as tight as a drum, no more rattles, and works better than when it was new.

Total cost, $96  ;D

Too bad saving money isn't quite the same as making money. 
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


"Too bad saving money isn't quite the same as making money. "

You miss out on paying income tax, again, right?


"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"