They make accurate electrical meters

Started by peternap, September 11, 2011, 08:23:44 PM

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I have an array of electrical test meters. Some old, some new, some Harbor Freight specials and some Sperry. What they all have in common is that 12 volts reads as 12 volts.

I have 3 glucose meters. One cheap and two darned expensive. None of them read the same >:(

I've been feeling really bad for a week. Tired, going to sleep on my feet, a numb tingling in the right side of my stomach, which is new..... and what I'm pretty sure is Pancreatitis.

My glucose has been going through the roof for no reason but I've finally gotten it down. I still feel sick and it was reading 99 down from 320.

I thought my meter was off so I tried one of the others, read 110, tried the 3rd one ...119. That's not enough to make a difference but considering what the test strips cost, you'd think they'd make one that's as accurate as my $14.99, Harbor Freight Volt Meter.

These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


We were always told to add or subtract 20-30 points for meter variations.  I've checked a patient's blood sugar w/their meter & then the one's from the hospital - they are never the same.  Makes it tough to really keep tight control.

Hope you feel better soon.  What does the doc say, or have you been to one?  Pancreatitis is really painful - I got it when my gall bladder was blocked, felt like I was having a heart attack almost.  And I don't even have diabetes & rarely ever have any alcohol to drink. 

The enzymes the pancreas produces starts actually digesting the pancreas.  They had me on IV fluids for 5 days, no food or water by mouth until everything went back to normal (determined by the lab values). 

Are you on any medications for your diabetes?  Have they determined whether you are producing any insulin anymore?  All the fluctuations & high BS levels are pretty hard on your body.  Take care of yourself.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Quote from: Sassy on September 11, 2011, 11:17:15 PM
We were always told to add or subtract 20-30 points for meter variations.  I've checked a patient's blood sugar w/their meter & then the one's from the hospital - they are never the same.  Makes it tough to really keep tight control.

Hope you feel better soon.  What does the doc say, or have you been to one?  Pancreatic is really painful - I got it when my gall bladder was blocked, felt like I was having a heart attack almost.  And I don't even have diabetes & rarely ever have any alcohol to drink.  

The enzymes the pancreas produces starts actually digesting the pancreas.  They had me on IV fluids for 5 days, no food or water by mouth until everything went back to normal (determined by the lab values).  

Are you on any medications for your diabetes?  Have they determined whether you are producing any insulin anymore?  All the fluctuations & high BS levels are pretty hard on your body.  Take care of yourself.

I didn't know that about the meters Sassy. I've been taking the readings as gospel. I'll have to start watching more carefully I guess.

I have gone to a Doctor...kind of. It's a clinic in the city where they're not real picky about ID because most of their patients don't have any ;D
The tests are pretty limited though. They keep trying to send me to the Hospital for more tests.
When I started the high protein powder 25 calorie a meal diet (Which works most of the time) I lost a lot of weight quickly. I went from 185 to 172 between visits and got a lecture on the evils of drug use ??? Then he gave me a sample of insulin and needles. I thought that was kind of funny.

It's still sitting in the refrigerator....anyway, he couldn't test for the Pancreatitis. That was his best guess and he wanted me to go to the Hospital for tests.
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Time for at least an ultrasound, and possibly a CT. 

Take care of yourself Peter.  Beware apathetic doctors.

(If you figure out how to do that last part, please let me know.)
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


You can pick up a cheap A1C test kit at Walgreens.  This is a better number for your long-term glucose levels. No doc needed.  If it's high, you need to be on medication or insulin.

New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.


So now you can do the A1C at home?  Gee, pretty soon you won't need a doc...   :)

Peter, that seems like such a small amt of calories - 25 - how many shakes do you drink a day?  Doesn't seem like you'd get enough nourishment. 

If your pancreas isn't making any insulin, it is going to be difficult to keep your BS w/in low enough limits to not cause you problems. 

Take care of yourself...  that's no fun feeling like you say you've been feeling - it causes all the long-term problems which I'm sure you are aware of.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free