3D Home Architect - General Subjects

Not detailed in the manual
Beware of Framing Software
Many software programs create framing details. This example was done with Chief Architect and is pretty good. But many products do not create good, accurate framing details. Never rely solely on the software to frame a house. Be sure you (or your contractor) are proficient in framing.
Model Making
Even though 3DHA does not have a Model Making component, you should not be deterred from using the features of 3DHA to create your own model parts. Here are some tips to help you create a scale model of your design.
This subject will include information on Plan Camera View, Full Camera View, Elevation View, Cross Section View, Plan Overview, and Full Overview. These subjects are covered in the manual, but are included here for those who don't have a manual. (future 3DHA users)
System Settings
This will cover the little known and rarely visited dialog boxes that are used to set default settings for 3DHA sessions.
Creating your own Backdrop
Would you like to see a photo of your property behind the model of your home. You don't have to use the backdrops supplied by 3DHA. You can add your own photos to the list.