diesel generator at low temps

Started by hnash53, December 10, 2006, 02:48:52 PM

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I am considering a generator to put out at my cabin.  I'm looking at propane and diesel generators.

Diesel congeals at cold temps...our cabin is 8000-8500 feet and it gets cold.  Can I use a diesel generator at that cold temp?

Seems like propane would do much better in those cold temps.

Let me know what you think.




Number 1 diesel goes to pretty cold temps before gelling.  Glow plugs should get it started but I would check more on performance specs before deciding.

I've had trouble getting propane equipment started too.


If you have #2 or are really worried, adding some kerosene mixed with the diesel will prevent the gelling... I think it's parafin (wax) that causes the problem. Back home in Canada 25 years ago I had a diesel Land Cruiser. In winter they sold only #1 diesel and I never had a problem, although I once got caught with too much #2 still in the tank when we had a sudden cold cold snap. Took a day in the warm shop before the fuel would flow. After that when chaangeover time approached I added 4  gal or so of kerosene to a tank every time I filled up until I knew the station had #1 in their tanks for a while.