metal roofing

Started by kev_alaska, September 09, 2005, 11:08:29 AM

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We are finishing up the initial cabin on our site and are to the stage of installing the metal roofing. I have felt paper down over sheathing and am secured pretty well. It is our rainy season here and I was wondering if I could install the metal roofing while the felt was wet or if I had to wait for it to dry out? Is there enough air circulation under the roofing to dry it out?


If the sheeting is going directly onto the felt, I would suggest waiting for it to dry.  I have built lots of steel buildings and moisture held tightly between the sheets can bubble and damage the paint.  If you have furring over the felt where moisture can drain out it may not be as much of a problem.  In a tight space, capillary action will hold the moisture there for a very long time.  That is why the sheeting companies won't guarantee the finish on a stack of piled sheets.  Even condensation can cause water damage between stacked sheets -- then if you separate them to prevent water damage the wind catches them and carries them to the next county. :-/


No furing on the roof, so I will wait for a dry day to finish. Of course, dry in Alaska in sept means wind, so the final comment comes into play as well. Thanks for the answer...The 10' X 14" construction cabin will be finished before snow flies and we begin stockpiling materials for the 20' X 30'....
Stealing ideas from John, PEG and Glenn for a several years now.......