Building Imitation Ttimber frame SIPs and foam bonding tips

Started by dilysmoore, August 15, 2024, 10:49:59 PM

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Has anyone built or has tips on building an imitation timber frame sips building? I was thinking maybe 12x12 using 4x* to make the timber frame then adhere rigid foam to sheet of osb and sheet of plywood and just use that to skin like you would a timber frame building? Also what glue would you use for the foam to wood bond?
I see people mention being hard to transport the fake sips but the idea would be to glue them on site



I'd lean towards a "wrap and strap" approach with plates and girts, the horizontal members of the timberframe, spaced no further apart than the sheathing can span, then sheath with boards or ply/osb, wrap that in foam, strapping and siding.

For instance if you have a sill, girt at midwall and plate, vertical 3/4 ply or 1x tongue and groove would make a minimal wall. wrap in foam sheet, horizontal strapping over the foam, housewrap and vertical board and batten to side.