Built-up posts for 2nd floor deck

Started by old_guy, August 18, 2017, 03:11:27 PM

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Our barn is finally going up in Tennessee, with much thanks to information from all of you.  Now a new issue has appeared.

We are planning a 2nd floor deck.  To make it better, this deck is to have a roof.  I planned on adding all of it later, but my better half said this week that the roof MUST be a continuation of the barn roof, not a separate roof a foot lower as planned.  In my experience, adding a roof continuing the plane of an existing roof always leaves a line as evidence of the addition, SO, I want to build them together... next week.  Now I am scrambling to determine a good way to do it.

The barn sits on a cement block wall, extending about a foot above grade.  The slope where the deck is going brings grade down 2 - 3 more feet where the outside of the 12' deck will end.  The first floor of the barn is 12' tall, so the posts to support the (20' wide x 12' deep) 2nd floor deck must be about 15' tall.  from the deck to the gable edges of the roof is about 9', and the deck to the ridge of the roof is about 15'

I expected to use 8x8 posts, but am wondering if I should build them up out of treated 2x8s.  A 2x8 is ~7-1/4" wide, and 5 of them will stack up to ~7-1/2" thick.  If I build them up, how should I fasten the plies together?


Go to Perma Column's "Design and use guide", page 12
Also Dr David Bohnhoff has several papers I've come across on the net about mechanically laminated columns.