build plans if I modify the floorplan, also my ideas etc 20x36ish 1.5story

Started by mcompton1973, April 12, 2015, 02:36:33 PM

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OK, so a few things.
I am thinking of doing the 20x30 1.5 story but expanding it to 36-40 feet long.
I would do the pier foundation as I have a little bit of a slope on the land, and enough trees to make doing it truely level an expensive project.
I have not purchased, but I know about the software and site to modify the floorplans and things of that nature.
what I DONT seem to understand is how then do I get new plans based off of the modified floorplan?  In otherwords the plan is for 36'.  If I go 40' and put in a bathroom upstairs, where do I get plans to reflect that.  I plan to do a lot of work myself, but I work in roofing and have access to a frame crew for dirt cheep and will probably sub that out etc.  Early on we will be living in a shell of a house, and finish over the next few years until we have what we really want long term.

Here are my overall thoughts, this is for wife, me and 11yr old daughter....and too many dogs.
Wife wants a master bath that is not shared to guest/daughter.  So by expanding flooplan I can put a half bath for guests on main floor, and add a bath in the upstairs for my daughter.   That is a lot of bathroom relative to the size of the home, but it will make my wife happy in the long term, so not that big of a deal.  I plan to heat the home with wood stove suplemented with space heaters in bedrooms overnight if needed.  window air only, or possibly mini split units eventually.

Any info and thoughts would be apreciated.

We live in central OK, have no codes and winters are "generally" pretty mild.


Hi mcompton!   w*

I may not have much advice because I'm almost in the same boat as you (just starting the planning process).  I can share my thoughts, though, FWIW.

Regarding foundation - we are on a 10% slope, and I initially thought, as you did, that a pier and beam foundation would be the most cost-effective solution.  However, after reading lots of posts and hearing about other people's problems with sonotube cast concrete footings tipping over, shifting, or providing inadequate lateral resistance, I decided to do a perimeter foundation.  Current plans are to do either a poured or stacked frost wall, making sure it is the proper height above grade on the upward side of the slope, then backfill and pour a slab.  We considered doing a crawlspace, but I didn't want any hassles with critters getting in or the inevitable moisture issues.

Regarding extending the plans, as long as you don't change the width, you can just extend the length and keep the spacing on beams, etc. the same.  For simplicity, I bought the 20x30 1.5 story plans from this site, and although we are planning to extend to 36, I'm leaving the plumbing and electrical alone so I won't have to figure out a new arrangement there.

In your situation, where you are planning to change the plumbing layout and possibly other things, I can't help you much.  Best advice is to  ask a local plumber or someone else who knows and ask what would be sufficient plans wise. 

As for extending your framing plan on paper, I'd think there are a few ways you can go:
1) Use Sketchup or a free drafting tool to recreate the plans digitally, then print them out
2) Hire a local draftsman or design shop to recreate the drawings for you
3) Manually make the edits on a paper copy.  As long as you keep things to scale, and you can understand your drawing, you should be good (I'm assuming you don't have to submit plans to any planning authority, per your statement that you have no local codes).  Even if you do have to submit plans somewhere, hand edits may be allowed, but always ask first!

Good luck on your build!