Ice Bowling

Started by sparks, December 05, 2011, 09:39:17 PM

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   Back in the early nineties, we did this at the marina I hang out at. There's a small inlet next to the business that has a shallow depth and would freeze solid to the bottom.

  The local JayCee group sponsored it as an event to raise a few bucks for their Christmas toy program. It was a lot of fun.

  We used 2x4,s to make the bowling lanes.... lagged them into the ice flat.....about 32 feet long. And had a template to set the pins.

  No need for coolers.......just sat all the burgers,dogs, and beer right on the ice......fired up the barbie......cranked up the boom box with John Couger Mellonhead stuff and had a great time.......oh, almost forgot.....big bonfire on the ice too. Smokey Bear safe!!

  The scoring was all reversed, the more pins you knocked down, the more you had to put in the kitty. At one point a gal in the next lane threw her did a Fred Flintstone.....jumped into my lane and hit a perfect strike! IIRC that cost me 5 bucks! But it was all for a good cause.

  And the burgers, dogs, and all the fixins were great............

  A lot of laughs............just good clean fun

  And the beer was always cold....... :)


My vessel is so small....the seas so vast......