My life as a turkey

Started by dug, November 26, 2011, 09:29:16 AM

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I have always loved shows about nature and natural wonders, and though I rarely feel the need to make any recommendations I thought this one was pretty special and unique. You won't believe the world that opens up to this man when he imprints himself on some turkey hatchlings and becomes their "mother". 

I saw it on Thanksgiving and everyone from the kids to my mother was riveted by this story.


 [cool]Thank you for the link . We all could learn a lot from mother nature if we just take the time to sit and listen to her. [cool]


That was great, Dug, thanks for posting!  We have flocks of wild turkeys around here. 

Interesting that the man noticed the turkeys & other animals were so much more aware & in-tune w/their surroundings & life.  I always say that only man has lost that sensitivity through separation from the Creator.

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