12x16 in NE Texas

Started by lee5267, June 07, 2011, 12:53:43 PM

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After lurking here for a few years I have finally been able to get my cabin project off the ground.  It is 12x16 and based on the the pictures in bishopknights thread that can be found here http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=4569.40 .  I started the build over my Christmas break using the panel method that I learned here from Cody's thread http://www.countryplans.com/cody.html.  The wall panels were completed during my time at Christmas and I also got the foundation holes dug and filled with iron ore gravel from the dry creek beds on our place.  I then put my concrete piers on the gravel (5 per side 16"x16").The soil is practically 100% red clay so I am hoping that the settling/shifting will be kept to a minimum with the overkill I did on the piers for the foundation beams.  We still have a little trim work to finish like the gable ends, window trim and the battens.  So far we have spent about  $2500 to get it dried in including the 5v-crimp metal roofing, door and windows and I expect about another $1500 to get it completed.  The cabin building has been the easy part, the hard part will be trying to figure out how to post pictures on here for all to see.

Loft view before the sheathing and window

Front door view before the door was in but after we cleaned up some brush.



Accidentally posted the thread twice, can one of the moderators keep this thread open and delete the other thread?




i think 12 x 16 is a really great size...nice project...