Exposed OSB Wall Sheeting

Started by ellbaker, May 22, 2011, 10:03:58 PM

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How long can I leave the wall sheeting (7/16 OSB) exposed?  I got the roof on this weekend but the walls are not wrapped.


It depends on how much wetting it gets, but probably longer than you think. I never installed one window on the barn, so never cut out the osb sheathing. It's fairly well protected, not in great shape visually but is still strong and hasn't leaked, 1994. I'm not suggesting you try to beat that  :D.


It depends on how dry you keep it.  There is a shed that looks like it has been exposed for years around me.  I left mine 1 year no problems.  All of this is with the caveat that it is not close or touching the ground.  My shed is on peers with good air circulation, taller than the average snow amount and with large eaves.  I have seen small sheep pens fall apart in a year with it touching the ground and in the snow.