An idea worth trying.......

Started by melwynnd, December 12, 2005, 03:41:47 PM

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Hi everyone :)

We'd been heating our trailer completely with a small wood stove until the last week when subzero temps made us concerned about freezing pipes.  Next summer we are redoing the bathroom and bringing all the pipes inside so we won't have to worry about that and adding a small sheepherder's cookstove to the far side of the trailer for more even heat.

Our dilemma is that we aren't exactly in a good place to burn wood.  There are very few trees here and we certainly don't want to cut them down.  The national forest is 60 miles away and we could get a cutting permit for that, but that is still expensive when you take into account your time and gas money.  There are coal mines two hours away, but coal ash is not good for your garden and I'm sure that with higher gas prices, coal prices will go up too.

So I went looking for a less traditional fuel and acutally found a MORE tradional one(although certainly not conventional in today's civilized society).  Still, the ingredients are generously provided by my cows and horses :D, and I have to do something with it anyway, so I thought we'd give it a try next winter.

Here's the article explaining it:


Good things come in small packages!!



Great article...The Native Indians used to burn manure in the Tee Pee tents...And they wore  almost no clothing and there was no insulation in the tee pee.....And they survived...So it must provide decent heat.

Robert frost wrote that poetry teaches us something we did not know we knew. Life, and nature are the exact embodiment of this.

We all have heard that Native Indians burned Manure...But nobody goes to any effort to improve this practice.

It is too easy to just buy whatever wal mart sells than to use our brains to think of something that will work just as well.

This is a big issue...For all the people here that like to build their own houses and solve their own problems....When you build a house and the inspector tells you to do something exactly as they say....There are usually always several other ways to do something and get the desired result...But society today refuses to think about alternatives....It is easier to just follow along than to think for yourself.

Great article! I like the thought process a lot!




I think I am gonna get a truck load dumped off here in the spring and try burning it in the fireplace...To see if it is truly odorless...

I wonder if mixing the almost liquid form of Chicken Manure with the  dry pellet like Horse would result in a combo mixture that would dry in one solid form and resist crumbling....

