Obama Watch

Started by sparks, April 06, 2009, 10:09:17 PM

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Whatd'ya Think?

Promises Made, Promises Kept
5 (45.5%)
Promises Made, Promises Broken
5 (45.5%)
I Told You So!
6 (54.5%)
Let's Wait  And See
1 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: April 11, 2009, 10:09:17 PM


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My mini rant.......

Hasn't he spent more money than even exists?? ???

My vessel is so small....the seas so vast......


It depends on how you define money?  Printed Currency?  You would be surprised how little cash there actually is in the world.  Most money is created by borrowing and debt.  Do you define money as GDP?  Our GDP is around 14 trillion a year.  The new budget is around 3.5 Trillion.

I think Obama has done mostly what he promised to do.  Some of the I agree with, some I disagree with, but not much I didn't here from him before.  He said he would increase spending.  Done.  He said he would close Gitmo and secret prisons.  Done.  He said he would repeal stem cell research funding bans.  Done.  He said he would create a timetable for leaving Iraq.  Done.  He said he wouldn't touch guns. Reaffirmed that last week.  He said he would bail out the banks and the auto companies.  Done.  He said he would lower taxes on the middle class.  Done. He said he would pass universal health insurance.  Not done.

I am sure that there are things that he hasn't done or promises that haven't been kept, but these are ones I have been watching. 


This is why I don't have a TV. Went to my parents and watched some news. According the major news outlets none if this is important.

The important issues are what Michele's wearing and IF she touched the queen of England. Everything else is superfluous drivel. Did the girls get a puppy? That's important too and I didn't see it on the major outlets, so it appears he may have broken one promise. Oh yeah, the "Big O" has more grey hair.


Quote from: Squirl on April 07, 2009, 08:27:26 AM
It depends on how you define money?  Printed Currency?  You would be surprised how little cash there actually is in the world.  Most money is created by borrowing and debt.  Do you define money as GDP?  Our GDP is around 14 trillion a year.  The new budget is around 3.5 Trillion.

I think Obama has done mostly what he promised to do.  Some of the I agree with, some I disagree with, but not much I didn't here from him before.  He said he would increase spending.  Done.  He said he would close Gitmo and secret prisons.  Done.  He said he would repeal stem cell research funding bans.  Done.  He said he would create a timetable for leaving Iraq.  Done.  He said he wouldn't touch guns. Reaffirmed that last week.  He said he would bail out the banks and the auto companies.  Done.  He said he would lower taxes on the middle class.  Done. He said he would pass universal health insurance.  Not done.

I am sure that there are things that he hasn't done or promises that haven't been kept, but these are ones I have been watching. 

That's really an over simplification Squirl...on the top end. Your discussing "Money in government/Corporate" terms. I look at it from the bottom. Todays a bad day for me to be unbiased. Tomorrow I meet with my accountant to finish my taxes >:(

I have ten bank accounts including money markets, three stock accounts, CD's, Farm income (or lack thereof) and on paper, I have a hell of a lot of money. The reality is I have to check my wallet before going out to eat and sometimes it's empty.

Obama has kept his promises on the surface. What's swimming down under is what worries me. I keep seeing this country sinking deeper in the financial mud bog. I spoke to the Big Kidd yesterday (Larry) He got a small job this week, the first this winter and it is not a big pay job.

Talked to another carpenter over the weekend. He hasn't worked all winter either. He's hoping to get a small jon before his house is foreclosed on.

I don't see where Obama has done anything but maneuver himself in a position to control everything he can.

AND...to give the short answer:

You should keep your cash in your left pocket, your gun in the right pocket and a hand on each one.
Money is what's in your left pocket!
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!

glenn kangiser

Lots of inflated money should help to pay off old bills but in general - all of our credit cards are increasing their interest rates at least 3 fold. 

General consensus here is that there are few jobs to be had.  I just happened to be in a niche market that got busy but the outlook in not great for most.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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We can cut out money for NASA now ... because if you stacked all the money that has, is, or will be printed during the next 4 years ... we can simply climb into space.

And yes, we can stack it -- since it won't be worth anything.