Where do we stand with the world?

Started by glenn kangiser, September 06, 2008, 06:10:19 PM

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glenn kangiser

We know the state owned media stories in the US. 

Here is a place to look at what the rest of the world thinks about our actions and sponsored actions, us, etc. 

It's time to stop fooling ourselves.  They don't all love us. 

Do they have just cause? 

What position are our leaders getting us into with the rest of the world?

We should not let the love of ourselves and our egos catch us off guard.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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glenn kangiser

I'll start off with this one. 

Russia hereafter to be taken into consideration - Medvedev

06.09.2008, 15.32


MOSCOW, September 6 (Itar-Tass) -- Russia is a state that hereafter will be taken into consideration, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said.

The president said at the State Council meeting in the Kremlin that the developments in South Ossetia showed that Russia would not allow anyone to encroach on its citizens' life and dignity. Russia stopped the military aggression and defended its legitimate interests, the president noted, adding that Russia did not want the war, it was imposed on Russia.

No country in the world would have tolerated killing of its citizens and peacekeepers. It was Russia's duty to save lives of people and defend the right for justice, Medvedev stressed.

Some are trying to put political pressure on Russia. "We've got used to it. They will not be able to do anything," Medvedev said.


Background - We had around 2000 military trainers and Israel had around 1000 mercenaries in Georgia. 

Russia had peacekeepers in S. Ossetia and is rebuilding now.


"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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glenn kangiser

Time to rein in the village idiots. GK

Dick Cheney Seeks War on Russia
Politics / New Cold War
Sep 07, 2008 - 02:40 AM

By: Ian_Brockwell

Following a three-day visit to former Soviet States Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine, Dick Cheney continued his thinly disguised threats against Russia and sought backing for stronger action against a country that was forced to defend its citizens recently, following an attack by US ally Georgia.

The gall of this man and other members of the Bush administration seem to have no limits. Is it really possible that anyone can take his remarks seriously when he accuses Russia of "bullying others"? Are we supposed to believe that the illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq are nothing more than a friendly helping hand? Is the pressure and sanctions being applied to Iran not "bullying"? And what about the recent trips into Pakistan´s sovereign territory to kill some more civilians, what are we supposed to call that?

Most of the comments that Cheney made at a global security conference in Cernobbio, Italy, seemed to be describing the Bush administrations crimes, not Russia´s. Is he getting a little confused over which country is doing what?

Cheney spoke of the risks of confrontation with NATO, but failed to mention that one of the United States most sophisticated warships, the USS Mount Whitney, has arrived at the port of Poti in Georgia, supposedly bringing "humanitarian aid", and at the same time effectively giving the "finger" to the Russian warship also in that area. If that is not "confrontation" what is?

Why is the US using warships to deliver "aid"? The USS Mount Whitney is not designed for this task and surely it would be less confrontational if they used non-military ships for this purpose. Could it be that the US are bringing more than food and a few tents to Georgia and using Navy ships to conceal this?

Another reason could be to place additional warships in the area for a forthcoming attack on Iran, and the Georgia conflict was a good excuse to do that. It is still very likely that the US and Israel may use Georgia in the attack on Iran, hence the urgency to restore conditions and weapons. Sadly, it is the Georgian people (and their country) that will pay the price for taking part in this lunacy, when Iran retaliate. It will be interesting to see if Saakashvili finds the courage to leave his country this time, just before all of this happens.

Whilst Russia is most certainly on the Neo-Cons list of countries to "acquire", Iran is first in line. Although Iran are not developing a nuclear weapon (US intelligence have confirmed this), why shouldn´t they? If it is OK for Israel to have around 200 nuclear weapons, why shouldn´t other countries in that area have a few for defensive purposes? Why does Israel think it has some special right to exist on this planet and have a superior military force, while others can not?

Let´s be honest about the situation, Israel has not shown that it can be trusted to have such devastating weapons, and some have actually talked about using them (on Iran). Iran is not involved in constant wars with its neighbors and at the moment seems to be a far more reliable candidate to hold such weapons (although it would be much better if no one had them at all).

The recent actions by the Bush administration (and Cheney) appear to give the impression that a clock is "ticking" somewhere, but what can possibly be motivating them into creating a world war that will kill everyone on the planet? Do they feel it is their duty to bring about the biblical "end of times"?

The Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, has said that Russia is a nation "to be reckoned with" and you can read that as a very simple message meaning Russia will not accept US dominance (or foolish threats from Europe). If Russia is attacked, she will respond. And I´m afraid that means "Game Over" for everyone.

Maybe now is a good time (for those who believe in God) to hope that the biblical prophecies made at the "end of times" is correct. It looks as if we may get a chance to find out very soon.

By Ian Brockwell
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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although i don't always agree with your suppositions/positions glen i like your insight and in this situation i DO NOT think that it is a good idea to poke our finger in the eye of the russian bear in his own back yard. they have a history of being paranoid of being attacked anyway and this is not a way to go about easing their tensions. we should never be involved in foreign incursions unless attacked and in the defense of our country. support of allies is ok but not to the extent of being the aggressor or being sucked into a foreign war because of it. BTW, i do believe that this is the end time scenerio. some of these situations are beyond our control so we should not go around the world exacerbating these problems. we have enough to deal with right here at home.
unless we recognize who's really in charge, things aren't going to get better.


i would also like to say that i think cheney may be the most dangerous person ever put into our public office. he controls the monkey pres. and is getting us into all kinds of trouble while he and his fatcat cronies reap billions/trillions.
unless we recognize who's really in charge, things aren't going to get better.

glenn kangiser

That is one of the main motivations, money - the others would be power and unswerving support of Israel.  That is a lot of the motivation for the choice of small countries we attack.

Cheney's trip is not doing a lot to make things better.  Just stirring up more crap.

My spewing here is to do two things - no one in their right mind would totally agree with me, but, they may research some to prove me wrong if I am, or find out if I am right.  Either way we both stand a chance of learning.

Part of my purpose in this thread is to point out that the other side of the world doesn't look at us in the same way many of us view ourselves.  Awareness of what they think can help us to recommend or steer change, or even just help ourselves and our friends prepare for the inevitable approaching conflict.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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