Got a favorite sausage seasoning mix?

Started by NM_Shooter, October 13, 2010, 09:45:50 AM

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I'm shopping for sausage seasonings.  Anybody got a favorite brand / type to mention?
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


We are fortunate to have a place in Houston that sells all kinds of seasonings and supplies for sausage making:

For breakfast or pan sausage using venison and pork I like Legg's Old Plantation #10 which is a little spicy. I have also used the Legg Italian sausage seasonings. Here is a link to their seasonings:


I used to make sausage when I lived in Salinas CA.  I used wild boar and either venacin or elk in aa 50 - 5- mix.Seasoned with sage and fennel.  Run meat theough a ggrinder and roll out to about 1/2 inch think.  Use a 3" straight side drinking glass and cut out sausages like biscuts.  Place them on cookie sheets in a smoker and leave for several hours. I had a large wooden smoker 8 x 8" Then freeze or refrigerate as you like.
Bad Wolf