Financial collapse made simple

Started by John Raabe, April 25, 2010, 05:33:18 PM

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John Raabe

Have you seen the musical "The Producers"? (Hint, they find a way to make a great deal of money off a musical that will flop).

Here is the updated financial version:

For perhaps the best researched and most understandable analysis of the financial meltdown see this link to "The Inside Job":

John Raabe
"worth every minute"
None of us are as smart as all of us.


Good show John! Both segments were very interesting but I found the second one more entertaining.

There was a time when news such as this would have shocked me but sadly it no longer surprises me in the least, in fact I suspect it barely scratches the surface of power being abused on a daily basis. For every cockroach you see, there are hundreds more in hiding.

One of the flaws of capitalism is that it not only condones unethical behavior, it often rewards it. The cost of placing profit for yourself and investors at a paramount has far reaching tendrils that include environmental and humanitarian atrocities.

Capitalism is the worst system, except for all the others!  :-\