HGTV Small house Divine Design

Started by trish, April 06, 2005, 07:16:16 PM

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HGTV is doing a segment on how to "...turn 300 square feet into a sylish and functional space.."  The promo says that this a small house purchased by first time homebuyers.  Candice Olson is going to "redo" the space for them.

Divine Design airs in my town on Thurs evening at 9:p.m.  What could it hurt to watch?  Maybe we can pick up a pointer or two from the pros.


Well, I was a little disappointed.  I thought it was going to be an etire house in 300 sf not just a living room and dining room.  I did like the couch they chose, but the electric fireplace?!  I thought that was pure cheese.  I was hoping for pointers on how to make little seem bigger not fancier.  It is never a bad thing to watch Divine Design when you have Chico for comic relief though! Thanks for pointing out that it was on.
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I, too, was a little disappointed.  The promo gave the impression that more would be covered.  

 However, there were some interesting small pointers.  While the fireplace was cheesy, did you take note of the rounded edges of the shelves surrounding it? In narrow passageways, not having sharp pointed corners is a smart idea--cuts down on the bumps and bruises.  Also, the tips on dealing with color in small spaces were valid.

The poor layout of the house reinforces visually what we  already know-- that stairways have to be posisitioned properly when dealing with space or they can chop up the floww and make it very unfuctional.  While this is always a concern, it is especially true in small space.

The lessons to be gleaned are not necessarily the ones the producers  meant to teach.

Anyone else have any observations on the show?