12x12 Tiny Cabin Build - 2023

Started by Adam Roby, March 15, 2023, 08:34:18 AM

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Cool!  I just installed a solar streetlamp and am getting two more!  Having lights all around a cabin is awesome!



Go to the last or 2nd to last page of my thread and you should see a video on them (or two) or check out my YT channel www.youtube.com/@theoldjarhead

Adam Roby

I started roofing this past weekend, got about half done.  I will post some images later on.
One quick question, I have a VERY old CO detector that appears to still work.
I ran my Mr. Buddy heater a bit on Saturday night (maybe an hour at a time, off and on) because it was about 50F with no insulation yet so a tab bit nippy to say the least.  In the morning, I checked my detector, and it recorded a peak value of 21 PPM.  Extrapolating from what I can find on Google, at that level I would be safe for about 4+ hours.  

Does anyone recommend a good detector that I can use that continuously monitors carbon monoxide so I can quickly look anytime I wake up to make sure I do wake up in the morning?  I am pretty surprised it got to 21 PPM with only running an hour here and there, with my soffits wide open and nothing blocking the airflow (yet).  I slept there on Saturday night so I could start working bright and early on Sunday morning.  I think I need a new sleeping bag, or maybe a 12V blanket to keep me warm at night.  

I will eventually install a permanent heater of some kind...  but there's still a ton of work to complete first.


First Alert CO615 Dual-Power Plug-In Carbon Monoxide Detector with Battery Backup and Digital Display

We:ve used this model for years, replace every 10, at home, cabin, workshop.   Press a button to see present reading.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.